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4 Dec 2009, 8:21 am by Eric Turkewitz
In addition to mine, the ABA has selected: Drug and Device Law The Poptort John Hochfelder's New York Injury Cases (and Hochfelder is still in his rookie year) Bill Marler's Marler Blog Evan Schaeffer's Beyond the Underground Addendum: And if you include the Namby Pamby Attorney's comic rants, there are seven. [read post]
1 Dec 2009, 1:18 pm
" Also in this area is John Hochfelder's New York Injury Cases Blog, dubbed "required reading for anyone in or around personal injury law. [read post]
20 Nov 2009, 7:50 am by Eric Turkewitz
John Hochfelder rants against New York's appellate judges who knock down jury awards, but fail to explain why; Mark Bennett has 16 Rules for Lawyers Who (Think They) Want to Market Online. [read post]
3 Nov 2009, 10:18 am
Recent LexBlog Q & A posts: Kenneth Odza of Food Liability Law Blog [10.29.09] David Shulman of South Florida Estate Planning Law [10.23.09] David Nelmark of Mixed Martial Arts Law Blog [10.21.09] John Hochfelder of New York Injury Cases Blog [10.19.09] Or, see our full list of legal blog interviews. [read post]
2 Nov 2009, 3:00 am
She was sitting with Tom Kirkendall who told of the tragic car accident death of Houston trial lawyer John O'Quinn. [read post]
29 Oct 2009, 11:36 am
Recent LexBlog Q & A posts: David Shulman of South Florida Estate Planning Law [10.23.09] David Nelmark of Mixed Martial Arts Law Blog [10.21.09] John Hochfelder of New York Injury Cases Blog [10.19.09] Michael Reitz of The Supreme Court of Washington Blog [10.16.09] Or, see our full list of legal blog interviews. [read post]
23 Oct 2009, 1:52 pm by Editor
You can follow many of the hosts of Blawg Review on Twitter.Evan Schaeffer @eshaeff Ron Coleman @roncoleman Gordon Smith @gs_ Jeremy Richey @jeremyrichey Mike Cernovich @Cerno Evan Brown @internetcases Al Nye @AlanNye Kevin Heller @kevinhell George Lenard @employmentblawg Enrico Schaefer @Enrico1999 Monica Bay @commonscold Stephen Albainy-Jenei @patentbaristas Carolyn Elefant @carolynelefant Dave Gulbransen @dgulbran Tom Mighell @tommighell Craig Williams @jcraigwilliams Denise Howell @dhowell… [read post]
23 Oct 2009, 11:24 am
Recent LexBlog Q & A posts: David Nelmark of Mixed Martial Arts Law Blog [10.23.09] John Hochfelder of New York Injury Cases Blog [10.21.09] Michael Reitz of The Supreme Court of Washington Blog [10.16.09] Gideon Alper of Gay Couples Law Blog [10.14.09] Or, see our full list of legal blog interviews. [read post]
21 Oct 2009, 11:25 am
Recent LexBlog Q & A posts: John Hochfelder of New York Injury Cases Blog [10.21.09] Michael Reitz of The Supreme Court of Washington Blog [10.16.09] Gideon Alper of Gay Couples Law Blog [10.14.09] Charles Internicola of New York Franchise Law Blog [10.5.09] Or, see our full list of legal blog interviews. [read post]
8 Oct 2009, 3:57 am
” [Somin, Volokh, on Scalia; earlier] More on the $500K award to woman who escaped first WTC bombing and broke ankle ten days later [John Hochfelder in comments] $3 million race bias suit against Martha Stewart Living magazine seems to have followed protest over home furnishing item often described as “coolie-hat” lampshade [NY Post] Skyboxes for the mayor and city councilors who approved the stadium — and this is ethically OK? [read post]
6 Oct 2009, 11:57 am
[Hochfelder] Former New York congressman and Pace Law School dean Richard Ottinger and wife rebuffed in what court deems SLAPP suit against commenter who criticized them on online forum; commenter says legal fees have cost him two years’ income [White Plains Journal-News, Westchester County; earlier] Amici in Massachusetts case endorse anti-SLAPP protection for staff of media and advocacy organizations [Citizen Media Law] “Canadian Court Rejects Defamation Liability for… [read post]
30 Sep 2009, 10:38 am by Steve Matthews
New York brain injury lawyer John Hochfelder wrote about brain injury damages verdicts for lead paint poisoning in children and construction workers. [read post]
23 Sep 2009, 5:28 pm
Court of Federal Claims Upholds Deductibility of LLC Losses - Seattle lawyer Doug Batey of Stoel Rives on the firm's blog, LLC Law Monitor Second Circuit Holds That Employees Do Not Have Private Cause of Action Under the Railway Labor Act - The blogging lawyers and attorneys at Sheppard Mullin on the firm's Labor Employment Law Blog Nevada Domestic Partnership Law Probably Won't Be Recognized By Other States, Even Those That Grant Same Benefits - Emory law student… [read post]
21 Sep 2009, 5:27 pm
Rosenbaum of Reed Smith on the firm's blog, Legal Bytes Hungry for Change: ABA Journal on Food Safety Reform and Its History - Seattle attorney Ken Odza of Stoel Rives in the firm's Food Liability Law Blog Latest New York Appeals Court to Evaluate Ankle Fracture Pain and Suffering Case: $550,000; Most Range Between $300,000 and $600,000 - New York lawyer John Hochfelder on his New York Injury Cases Blog Bank of America / Merrill Lynch Saga Continues: Can… [read post]
17 Sep 2009, 9:10 pm
No, John Edwards didn’t invent trial tactic of “channeling” thoughts of deceased. [read post]
17 Sep 2009, 9:10 pm
No, John Edwards didn’t invent trial tactic of “channeling” thoughts of deceased. [read post]
15 Sep 2009, 5:30 pm
- Des Moines lawyer Chuck Becker of Belin Lamson McCormick Zumbach Flynn on Becker's Iowa Environmental Law Update Assumption of Risk Doctrine Bars New York Sports Injury Lawsuits - Part 2 (Baseball) - New York attorney John Hochfelder on his New York Injury Cases Blog [read post]