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13 Jun 2009, 3:16 pm
I am pleased to announce that Florida DUI lawyer John Musca of Musca Law has joined as the representative for Florida. [read post]
30 Mar 2011, 1:47 pm by PascoDUI
If so, call 727-480-9675 to schedule a free consultation with a Pasco County DUI attorney at Musca Law now. [read post]
20 Jun 2009, 11:06 am
I've already asked Bart Herron and John Musca for their takes on the issue. [read post]
13 Apr 2011, 1:52 pm by PascoDUI
If so, call 727-480-9675 schedule your free consultation with a DUI attorney at Musca Law now. [read post]
18 Mar 2011, 11:34 am by PascoDUI
For a free consultation with a Dade City DUI attorney at Musca Law, call 727-480-9675 now. [read post]
21 Jun 2009, 11:44 am
" Location and representation can make a big difference, according John Musca, a Florida DUI and criminal defense lawyer. [read post]
16 Jun 2009, 7:05 am
These attorneys include: Evan Levow - Pennsylvania DUI Lawyer, & New Jersey DWI Lawyer John Musca - Florida DUI Attorney Aaron Wolff - Seattle DUI Lawyer Randall Longwith - Los Angeles DUI Lawyer, Orange County DUI Lawyer The Kavinoky Law Firm - San Diego DUI Defense, San Francisco DUI Lawyers Mike Tillotson - Virginia DUI Lawyer Van Wagner & Wood - Wisconsin DUI Lawyers Anna Lehnert - New Mexico DWI Lawyer Frank Mungo - Ohio DUI Lawyer & Kentucky DUI… [read post]
22 Jun 2009, 12:10 pm
According to Florida DUI Attorney John Musca, other states like Florida look to states like Arizona when it comes time to legislate newer and tougher DUI laws. [read post]
8 Mar 2011, 3:04 pm by PascoDUI
For a free consultation with a Dade City DUI attorney at Musca Law, just call 727-480-9675. [read post]
10 Feb 2022, 12:18 pm by Unknown
. [#14] John Bedell on Aztec Surveying & Ancient Civilizations: Land Survey and Astronomy Drove Mathematical Progress Las Labradas Petroglyphs Baja California Sur Mexico Mark Tropic of Cancer Summer Solstice Canis Major [#15] Sierra de San Francisco El Vizcaino Reserve Baja California Sur in Mexico: Rock Art as a Sky Map ca. 1000 B.C. [#16] A Baseline X,Y Axis for An Ancient Native North America Land Survey with a Portrait of an Astronomical Land Surveyor as an… [read post]