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13 Sep 2023, 5:38 am by Stephen E. Sachs
(It also depends on whether legislatures can rescind their ratifications, as some may have done; for more on that, see Michael Stokes Paulsen's General Theory of Article V.) [read post]
12 Sep 2023, 9:15 am by Emily Vaisa
The Third Circuit’s Deliberations The case currently pending before the Third Circuit, Johnson v. [read post]
11 Sep 2023, 7:55 am by Ben Sperry
The YouTube Settlement’s Impact on Kids Content,” Garrett Johnson, Tesary Lin, James C. [read post]
10 Sep 2023, 4:00 am by SHG
Samford University; and Judge Kim Wardlaw, a very liberal Clinton nominee, eviscerated Arizona State’s lawyer during oral argument for the pathbreaking decision, Schwake v. [read post]
6 Sep 2023, 12:28 pm by David Kopel
More broadly, Bruen instructed lower courts to decide Second Amendment cases the way that Court had decided District of Columbia v. [read post]
31 Aug 2023, 8:36 am by Anthony P. Guettler
Immigration into Florida from other states and countries continues apace, and Florida property continues to be an attractive investment opportunity for outsiders. [read post]
31 Aug 2023, 8:36 am by Anthony P. Guettler
., Shutts & Bowen, LLP, Miami, Florida Immigration into Florida from other states and countries continues apace, and Florida property continues to be an attractive investment opportunity for outsiders. [read post]
26 Aug 2023, 9:13 am by Eric Goldman
Google Twitter Isn’t a Shopping Mall for First Amendment Purposes (Duh)–Johnson v. [read post]
22 Aug 2023, 9:15 am by admin
This West Chester lawmaker invited her testimony, chair says,” Ohio Capital Journal (July 14, 2021). [2] The Disinformation Dozen (2021), [3] Shaw v. [read post]