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31 Jul 2007, 7:29 am
Desegregation began in earnest only after Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, which paved the way for the Johnson administration to set standards for compliance with Brown and to make compliance a condition of federal education aid. [read post]
29 Jun 2018, 12:31 pm by Theodore Shaw
In 1991 Kennedy joined a five-member majority in Board of Education of Oklahoma City v. [read post]
28 Nov 2007, 7:08 am
Louis, MO 63103 Phone: (314) 241-3464 Fax: (314) 371-0000 E-mail: Web: Healthcare Family Voices Missouri Sarah Zerr Phone: (816) 455-2977 E-mail: The state's Title V agency will soon have a Family Advisory Council, led by a parent facilitator, who provide information and support to parent groups in Missouri, and will also ensure the family perspective and input on major Title V decisions affecting… [read post]
30 Apr 2007, 1:28 am
 A1179 Gunther (MS) -- Sets forth procedures to be followed in the event a sex offender fails to mail a signed verification within twenty calendar days of mailing by division of criminal justice services BLURB : Cor. sex offender verificatn Last Act: 03/26/07 REFERRED TO CRIME VICTIMS, CRIME AND CORRECTION LAW / CORRECTNSA1188 Eddington (MS) -- Expands coverage of sex offender registration act BLURB : Cor. expds covrg sex offender regLast Act:… [read post]
26 Mar 2007, 5:27 am
LAW / CORRECTNSS3886 VOLKER -- Relates to the transfer of supervision and jurisdiction over probationers BLURB : CP L. probat.andtrans.ofjurisdictLast Act: 03/19/07 REFERRED TO CODES LAW / CORRECTNSS3910 VOLKER -- Relates to a sentence of parole BLURB : CP L. sentence of parole Last Act: 03/20/07 REFERRED TO CODES LAW / CORRECTNSS3925 TRUNZO -- Directs the establishment of a program of identification and location of pre-1996 sex offenders whose… [read post]
31 Jan 2010, 7:16 pm by admin
– Gene Johnson, The Seattle Times, January 26, 2010 Washington state will do more to prevent polluted stormwater from running off state highways into rivers, lakes and Puget Sound. [read post]