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21 Mar 2016, 10:15 am by Jen Reynolds
Jonathan Cohen (Florida) has published “Open-Minded Listening” in the Charlotte Law Review. [read post]
27 Apr 2018, 11:28 am
Here, for Lapham's Quarterly, Richard Cohen examines Samuel Johnson's unfulfilled desire to become a lawyer. [read post]
27 Apr 2018, 11:28 am by Christine Corcos
Here, for Lapham's Quarterly, Richard Cohen examines Samuel Johnson's unfulfilled desire to become a lawyer. [read post]
2 Dec 2022, 10:00 pm
Cohen added, “For better or for worse, if we have to go to trial, the truth will come out and everyone who is responsible for Jonathan’s death will have to acknowledge their share of responsibility. [read post]
18 Nov 2014, 2:46 am by Adam Kolber
One of the most cited papers in neurolaw circles is For the Law, Neuroscience Changes Nothing and Everything by Joshua Greene and Jonathan Cohen. [read post]
7 Nov 2016, 11:50 am by Jen Reynolds
Jonathan Cohen (Florida) has published “A Genesis of Conflict: The Zero-Sum Mindset” in the Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution, available here. [read post]
25 Mar 2010, 9:39 am by Brian Leiter
MOVING TO FRONT FROM MARCH 5, SEE UPDATE Jonathan Cohen (philosophy of mind and psychology, metaphysics, cognitive science), Professor of Philosophy at the University of California at San Diego, has a senior offer from the Department of Philosophy and Program... [read post]
7 Jul 2022, 1:42 pm by Howard Bashman
Jonathan Stempel of Reuters reports that “Sacha Baron Cohen beats ex-judge Roy Moore’s defamation appeal. [read post]
14 May 2024, 2:55 am by jonathanturley
Jonathan Turley is an attorney and professor at George Washington University Law School. [read post]
21 Jul 2021, 4:45 am by karp
    L-R Attorney Alex Romano of  the Palm Beach County State Attorney’s Office; Mike Borlaug of Capstone IT Services in Jupiter; Mike Berndt     Sam Cohen, an attorney at Lesser, Lesser, Landy and Smith, with Attorney Jonathan Karp. [read post]
11 Jun 2022, 7:05 pm by Howard Bashman
Jonathan Stempel of Reuters reports that “Ex-judge Roy Moore presses defamation appeal against Sacha Baron Cohen. [read post]
10 Jul 2014, 3:41 am by Brian Leiter
Philosopher Jonathan Cohen (UC San Diego) invited me to share a rather odd solicitation, which other Southern California philosophers may have received; Prof. [read post]
18 Nov 2014, 12:55 am by Adam Kolber
One of the most cited papers in neurolaw circles is For the Law, Neuroscience Changes Nothing and Everything by Joshua Greene and Jonathan Cohen. [read post]
20 Jun 2023, 4:00 am by jonathanturley
Jonathan Turley is an attorney and professor at George Washington University Law School. [read post]
10 Sep 2013, 6:47 am by Brian Leiter
...with (among others) philosophers Jonathan Cohen (UC San Diego), Susan Schneider (U Conn/Storrs), and Walter Sinnott-Armstrong (Duke). [read post]
26 Feb 2019, 6:06 pm by Tom Smith
Matt Gaetz (R-FL), a strong supporter of President Donald Trump, tweeted out a clear threat to Michael Cohen that his appearance before Congress just might lead to the disclosure of affairs with multiple women. [read post]
17 Nov 2023, 4:00 am by jonathanturley
Jonathan Turley is the Shapiro professor of public interest law at George Washington University and a practicing criminal defense attorney. [read post]