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24 Feb 2010, 4:25 am
Writing in the Washington Post, author Susan Jacoby says: "I have rarely read a document filled with more destructive premises and recommendations.... [read post]
13 Nov 2018, 4:01 am
” More oral-argument analysis comes from Tonja Jacobi at SCOTUS OA, who presents recent research showing that “interruptions between two justices at oral argument are significantly associated with voting disagreement between pair in the eventual case outcome. [read post]
2 Apr 2019, 3:59 am
At SCOTUS OA, Tonja Jacobi and Matthew Sag analyze last week’s oral arguments in partisan-gerrymandering cases , Rucho v. [read post]
23 Apr 2019, 3:54 am
” Commentary comes from Ross Runkel at his eponymous blog and Joshua Lushnat at Ogletree Deakins. [read post]
13 Aug 2021, 5:51 am
Hu, and Joshua L. [read post]
7 Nov 2012, 3:54 am
Chase LLC - (Todd Ohlms, Joseph Fogel) Failing to Preserve: Apple, Samsung Narrowly Escape Adverse Inference Instruction - (Michael Kozubek) Five Questions with Ralph Losey about the New eDiscovery Best Practices (EDBP) Model for Attorneys – (Dean Gonsowski) Five Reasons to Outsource Litigation Support - (Ralph Losey) How to Preserve Data When You Can’t Trust Your… [read post]
23 Jan 2015, 4:44 am
Dempsey m2dempsey Villanova Stephen Diamond StephenFDiamond Santa Clara Darby Dickerson darbydickerson Texas Tech Amy Dillard adillard Baltimore Paul Diller dilleradollar Willamette Jim Dimitri profdimitri Indiana-McKinney John DiPippa jmdipippa Arkansas-Little Rock Scott Dodson ProfDodson Hastings Sean Patrick Donlon spdonlan Limerick (Ireland) Richard Dooling RichardDooling Nebrask Josh Douglas JoshuaADouglas Kentucky Randy Dryer medialawguy Utah Mary Dudziak marydudziak Emory Suzanne Egan… [read post]
6 Feb 2015, 6:00 am
Dempsey m2dempsey Villanova Stephen Diamond StephenFDiamond Santa Clara Darby Dickerson darbydickerson Texas Tech Amy Dillard adillard Baltimore Paul Diller dilleradollar Willamette Jim Dimitri profdimitri Indiana-McKinney John DiPippa jmdipippa Arkansas-Little Rock Scott Dodson ProfDodson Hastings Sean Patrick Donlon spdonlan Limerick (Ireland) Fiona Donson Fdonson Univ College Cork Richard Dooling RichardDooling Nebrask Josh Douglas JoshuaADouglas Kentucky Randy Dryer medialawguy Utah Mary… [read post]