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10 Apr 2012, 9:00 am by Jurgen Kurtz
by Jurgen Kurtz [Jürgen Kurtz is an Associate Professor at the University of Melbourne Law School in Australia.] [read post]
28 Jun 2011, 3:53 am by war
Jurgen Kurtz at Melbourne University has a very interesting consideration of the issues, noting that there is case law which would support the Government’s position as well as a contrary line. [read post]
18 Aug 2011, 9:24 pm by Jacob Katz Cogan
For more information on the SIEL Inaugural Global Conference (held in Geneva) see here and on the 2nd SIEL Biennial Global Conference (held in Barcelona) see here.SIEL 2012 Singapore Conference CommitteeChairs: Douglas Arner; Michael Ewing-Chow; Meredith Kolsky Lewis; & Colin Picker.Committee Members: Ichiro Araki; Freya Baetens; Laurence Boulle; Tomer Broude; Chris Brummer; Won-Mog Choi; Bradly Condon; Abhijit Das; Susan Franck; Henry Gao; Norah Gallagher; Tomohiko Kobayashi; Jurgen… [read post]