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7 Apr 2008, 7:47 pm
Roeser and Karen Harned (National Federation of Independent Business, in a new article for the Federalist Society's Engage (cross-posted from Point of Law). [read post]
27 Oct 2014, 2:52 pm by The Federalist Society
To discuss the case, we have Karen Harned, who is the Executive Director of the National Federation of Independent Business Small Business Legal Center. [read post]
2 Nov 2017, 10:25 am by NCC Staff
Karen Harned is Executive Director of the National Federation of Independent Business Small Business Legal Center, a post she has held since April 2002. [read post]
18 Dec 2014, 11:25 am by The Federalist Society
To discuss the case, we have Karen Harned, who is the Executive Director of the National Federation of Independent Business Small Business Legal Center. [read post]
30 Mar 2017, 9:49 am by The Federalist Society
To discuss the case, we have Karen Harned, who is Executive Director of the National Federation of Independent Business Small Business Legal Center. [read post]
11 Feb 2016, 6:30 am by The Federalist Society
To discuss the case, we have Karen Harned, who is Executive Director of the National Federation of Independent Business Legal Center. [read post]
9 Dec 2014, 1:47 pm by Kent Scheidegger
Anthony Caso of Chapman University (formerly with Pacific Legal Foundation) discussing the Amtrak regulatory delegation case, and Karen Harned of the National Federation of Independent Business, discussing the notice and comment requirements for an administrative agency to change its interpretative regulations. [read post]
11 Jan 2011, 11:31 am
During the last year's Drive Safely Work Week summit, Karen Harned, Executive Director of the Small Business Legal Center for the National Federation of Independent Business stressed the importance of implementing employee driver safety practices. [read post]
9 Nov 2015, 3:15 am by Amy Howe
  Commentary comes from Karen Harned at the Fed Soc Blog. [read post]
23 Mar 2012, 11:45 am by Ray Mullman
And she doesn't want the government to tell her she has to have it," said Karen Harned, a lawyer for the National Federation of Independent Business. [read post]
18 Jun 2017, 9:05 pm by Walter Olson
[Ross Runkel and Federalist Society podcast with Karen Harned on McLane Co. v. [read post]
23 Aug 2019, 2:58 am by Walter Olson
Housing authority in Meeker, Colorado, population 2,250, will pay nearly $1 million to settle suit over limits on emotional support animals [Niki Turner, Rio Blanco Herald-Times, Kathleen Foody, Associated Press/Colorado Sun, Stina Sieg, Colorado Public Radio] Volume of web-accessibility suits continues to climb [Seyfarth Shaw; John Breslin, Florida Record] More on growth of this litigation [podcast with Karen Harned, NFIB, for Federalist Society Regulatory Transparency Project… [read post]
5 Mar 2012, 2:00 pm by Tammy Binford
“We are pleased that the court has recognized that the Board far exceeded its statutory authority in attempting to take punitive enforcement measures against small-business owners who failed to comply with the poster rule,” said Karen Harned, executive director of the NFIB’s Small Business Legal Center. [read post]
11 Feb 2016, 6:19 am by Amy Howe
” Commentary comes from Michael Wara, who contends at The Stanford Lawyer that the stay “is likely to have significant ramifications both for the U.S. electric power sector and for the Paris Agreement recently concluded by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change”; from Geoffrey Barnes and Danielle Gagliardi, who at frESH review the process that led to the stay; from Kevin Johnson and Thomas Wood, who at Renewable + Law suggest that “there will be at least a year of… [read post]
21 Jul 2011, 6:00 am by Brian Hunt
”   The National Federation of Independent Business was represented at the hearing by Karen Harned, who counseled against over-regulation of small businesses. [read post]