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19 Sep 2019, 8:34 am by Ezra Rosser
Conference Committee: Abbye Atkinson ( Khiara Bridges ( Joy Milligan ( Ezra Rosser ( Jeffrey Selbin ( Karen Tani ( –Let me add two things. [read post]
13 Sep 2019, 7:00 am by Ezra Rosser
New Article: Karen Tani, [Administrative Constitutionalism at the ‘Borders of Belonging’: Drawing on History to Expand the Archive and Change the Lens], 168 U. [read post]
11 Sep 2019, 8:00 am by Karen Tani
”  NOVEMBER 26: Daniel Crane, University of Michigan Law School, “Fascism and Monopoly -- Karen Tani [read post]
5 Sep 2019, 9:05 pm by Alana Bevan
WHAT WE’RE READING THIS WEEK Historians have much to teach scholars of administrative law, argued Karen Tani of University of California, Berkeley School of Law in a forthcoming article in the University of Pennsylvania Law Review. [read post]
24 Aug 2019, 6:30 am by Dan Ernst
[We're moving this up, because we've received an updated version of the program. [read post]
21 Aug 2019, 1:09 pm by Dan Ernst
Citizens, 1919-1924Conveners: Kenneth Mack, Harvard Law School ( Laurie Wood, Florida State University ( Jacqueline Briggs, University of Toronto ( Wertheimer, Davidson College (jowertheimer@davidson.eduLaw and Empire in the Sino-Asian Context (Harvard Law School / TBD)12:00 PM – 4:30 PMLegal History and the Persistent Power of State and Local Governments (Cambridge Room)Moderators: Brooke… [read post]
15 Aug 2019, 9:05 pm by Alana Bevan
” WHAT WE’RE READING THIS WEEK Notice-and-comment procedures are an important tool of political action, according to Matthew Cortland, a Massachusetts attorney, and Karen Tani of University of California, Berkeley School of Law. [read post]