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30 Aug 2023, 7:46 am by ernst
Press 2023) with Karen Tani Dec. 13  Christian R. [read post]
23 Aug 2023, 9:30 pm by Karen Tani
A selection of chapters of possible interest:Tracy A Thomas, "The Long History of Feminist Legal Theory"Julie Suk, "The Equal Rights Amendment, Then and Now" Leigh Goodmark, "The Anti-Rape and Battered Women’s Movements of the 1970s and 1980s" Mary Ziegler, "From Reproductive Rights to Reproductive Justice: Abortion in Constitutional Law and Politics" Deborah Widiss, "Pregnancy and Work: 50 Years of Legal Theory, Litigation, and… [read post]
9 Aug 2023, 4:30 am by Lawrence Solum
Jasmine Harris (University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School), Karen Tani (University of Pennsylvania), & Shira Wakschlag (The Arc) have posted The Disability Docket (American University Law Review, Vol. 72, 2023) on SSRN. [read post]
7 Aug 2023, 2:00 am by Katharine Van Tassel
Jasmine Harris (University of Pennsylvania), Karen Tani (University of Pennsylvania), Shira Wakschlag (The Arc), The Disability Docket, 72 Am. [read post]