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23 Nov 2024, 6:46 am by The Petrie-Flom Center Staff
by Katherine Drabiak The Outcome of Recreational Marijuana Ballot Measures Recreational marijuana was on the ballot in three states — Florida, North Dakota, and South Dakota. [read post]
3 Jun 2022, 6:51 am by James Romoser
Wade (Katherine Drabiak, The Conversation) Warning signs cloud tech industry’s Supreme Court victory (Brendan Bordelon, Politico) SCOTUS Immigration Ruling Will Have ‘Chilling’ Economic Consequences (Hiba M. [read post]
17 Dec 2024, 7:05 am by The Petrie-Flom Center Staff
The Ethical and Regulatory Implications of Polygenic Embryo Screening, by Hannah Rahim The Satanic Temple Asserts Medication Abortion is a Religious Right, by Katherine Drabiak What You Need to Know About Marijuana Rescheduling, by Victoria Litman Addictive Design and Social Media: Legal Opinions and Research Roundup, by Matthew B. [read post]
4 Apr 2022, 12:10 pm by Lawrence Solum
I am indebted to Professors Rodolphe Barrangou, Naomi Cahn, Dana Carroll, Glenn Cohen, John Conley, Katherine Drabiak, Michele Bratcher Goodwin, Fred Gould, Henry Greely, Gary Marchant, Kevin Outterson, Christopher Robertson, Jacob Sherkow, Sonia Suter, and Allison Whelan for reading the book and contributing their thoughtful insights—during the live event, in print, or both. [read post]
30 Apr 2021, 9:03 pm by Aaron Kaufman
Cosmetics too often contain endocrine-disrupting chemicals shown to increase the risk of cancer as well as lasting damage to cells, both of which parents can pass on to future generations, argues Katherine Drabiak of the University of South Florida in the Pace Environmental Law Review. [read post]
9 Feb 2024, 5:00 am by Katherine Drabiak
By Katherine Drabiak In February 2023, The Satanic Temple (TST) opened a telehealth clinic that offers free screening, virtual appointments, and medication abortion prescriptions by mail for pregnant women seeking an abortion. [read post]
4 May 2023, 8:55 am by Katherine Drabiak
By Katherine Drabiak Recently, the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) published a report advocating for significant revisions to criminal law, such as decriminalizing prostitution; intentional transmission of HIV; and purchasing and possessing drugs for personal use. [read post]