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17 Oct 2016, 2:29 pm by Bryan P. Sears
Katherine Morris, a spokeswoman for the Maryland Department of Human Resources, said the contract with AdvoServ of Bear, Delaware, will be terminated on Oct. 31 and that the Maryland agency is ... [read post]
30 Jul 2009, 4:02 pm
Karen is the outgoing chair of the LHRB-SIS, Katherine & Jennie are co-chairs of the Morris L. [read post]
4 Aug 2022, 4:39 am by Jim Sedor
Campaign Finance Texas: “Texas Ethics Commission Wants Funds for Tech Upgrades after Beto O’Rourke Crashes Servers” by Allie Morris (Dallas Morning News) for MSN Elections Arizona: “Arizona Officials Warned Fake Electors Plan Could ‘Appear Treasonous’” by Maggie Haberman and Luke Broadwater (New York Times) for MSN Missouri: “How a Trump Endorsement Scramble in Mo. [read post]
8 May 2008, 7:53 am
Katherine Porter, a bankruptcy law expert who has studied 1700 bankruptcy cases, told the Subcommittee that the Atchleys suffered an all too common fate. [read post]
10 May 2024, 12:04 am by Katherine Morris
Authors: Katherine Morris, Michael McCrea Introduction A recent decision of the District Court of New South Wales has clarified the content, nature and extent of an officer’s duty to exercise due diligence in relation to safety matters under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (NSW) (WHS Act). [read post]
13 Mar 2010, 7:22 am by Katherine Franke
Over 500 people attended the event, hearing Janet Halley, Kathryn Abrams, Dean Spade, David Eng, Morris Kaplan, Joan Scott, Amy Adler, Martha Umphrey, Ritu Birla, Ariela Dubler, Elizabeth Emens, Katherine Franke, Kendall Thomas and Suzanne Goldberg address the mulitple ways in which Butler’s work has been taken up in law. [read post]
6 Sep 2013, 6:18 am by Daniel JT McKenna
Lucy Morris, Deputy Enforcement Director of the CFPB, took the stage for the program alongside Katherine Armstrong, an attorney in the FTC’s Division of Privacy and Identity Protection. [read post]
22 Feb 2010, 11:42 am by Ezra Rosser
Blank (editors) Divergent Paths: Economic Mobility in the New American Labor Market Annette Bernhardt, Martina Morris, Mark S. [read post]
4 Mar 2013, 7:37 am by Joanna Herzik
Mentor/hero: Morris Dees, founder of the Southern Poverty Law Center - an amazing man who has made many contributions to our country The part of my job I do best is: training new generations of attorneys. [read post]
3 Nov 2011, 8:47 am by Lawrence Taylor
Assistant district attorneys Carl Hobbs and Steve Morris, along with court reporters Javier Leal and Katherine Chagaris, have been summoned to appear before Judge Susan Brown’s court at 9 a.m. [read post]
15 Jul 2009, 4:00 am
Attendees can expect an excellent return on their investment of time and money,” said Katherine Miletich, marketing director, Chicago for Sidley Austin LLP. [read post]
8 Nov 2011, 12:14 pm by Mark Bennett
The portion of the motion that suggested that Judge Brown remove herself from the case is this: THE CONFLICT OF INTERESTJudge Brown instructed Katherine Chagaris, a court reporter employed by the HCDAO, to enter the grand jury room and record the proceedings on October 18, 2011. [read post]
22 Jun 2015, 12:38 pm
Broken: My Story of Addiction and Redemption by William Cope Moyers with Katherine Ketcham (2006)57. [read post]
31 Dec 2014, 5:56 pm
Broken: My Story of Addiction and Redemption by William Cope Moyers with Katherine Ketcham (2006)57. [read post]
22 Oct 2014, 8:49 am by JD Hull
Bradlee with Washington Post owner Katherine Graham in 1971. [read post]
2 Aug 2017, 3:15 am by Scott Bomboy
Richard Henry Lee, George Wythe, Elbridge Gerry, Oliver Wolcott, Lewis Morris, Thomas McKean, and Matthew Thornton signed the document after August 2, 1776, as well as seven new members of Congress added after July 4. [read post]