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3 May 2012, 2:12 pm by Todd Ruger
A reception at the Renaissance Mayflower Hotel in D.C. on Tuesday also raised more than $100,000 for the Professor Harvey L. [read post]
5 Mar 2010, 5:00 am by Jon L. Gelman
Welcome and Introductory Comments David Michaels, Assistant Secretary, OSHA Deborah Berkowitz, Chief of Staff, OSHA 9:10-9:50 Panel 1 Tonya Ford, Uncle killed at ADM facility in 2009 Katherine Rodriguez, Father killed at British Petroleum in 2004 Wanda Morillo, Husband killed in a NJ industrial explosion in 2005 Celeste Monforton, American Public Health Association Linda Reinstein, Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization 9:50-10:30 Panel 2 Marc Freedman, U.S. [read post]
9 Apr 2009, 9:27 am
KG v President of Gernamn Patent- und Markenamt (IPKat) Geobra Brandstätter assert copyright against vicar Pfarrer Markus Bomhard for using ‘deformed’ Playmobil figurines to depict biblical scenes (IPKat) (The IP Factor) Bundesgerichtshof on when a trade mark is distinctive enough to qualify for registration: STREETBALL case (Class 46) Still no infringement of Tuc cracker shape, says German appellate court (Class 46)   Greece Well-known MOUYER trade mark… [read post]
23 Oct 2015, 1:07 pm by Rebecca Tushnet
Rebecca Tushnet: And now for something different! [read post]
6 Feb 2015, 6:00 am by Bridget Crawford
Dempsey m2dempsey Villanova Stephen Diamond StephenFDiamond Santa Clara Darby Dickerson darbydickerson Texas Tech Amy Dillard adillard Baltimore Paul Diller dilleradollar Willamette Jim Dimitri profdimitri Indiana-McKinney John DiPippa jmdipippa Arkansas-Little Rock Scott Dodson ProfDodson Hastings Sean Patrick Donlon spdonlan Limerick (Ireland) Fiona Donson Fdonson  Univ College Cork Richard Dooling RichardDooling Nebrask Josh Douglas JoshuaADouglas Kentucky Randy Dryer medialawguy Utah Mary… [read post]