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20 Feb 2012, 10:40 am by Gritsforbreakfast
"False convictions occur for a vast array of reasons, but under Texas habeas law, proving prosecutors violated Brady v. [read post]
9 Feb 2012, 10:53 am by Melinda Ghilardi
The Government then appealed.In ruling in favor of Keller, the District Court followed existing Third Circuit precedent in United States v. [read post]
30 Jan 2012, 3:07 am by New Books Script
K 487 E3 N48 1998 V.3 The new Palgrave dictionary of economics and the law / edited by Peter Newman. [read post]
29 Jan 2012, 4:07 pm by INFORRM
The session on Thursday morning with Google’s legal director, Daphne Keller, and head of corporate communications in Europe, David-John (DJ) Collins, provided a useful insight into the search giant’s handling of legal complaints. [read post]
26 Jan 2012, 9:29 am by admin
Moore A federal grand jury in New York Jan. 3 indicted three Swiss men working as client advisers to a Swiss bank for helping U.S. taxpayers hide more than $1.2 billion in assets (United States v. [read post]
24 Jan 2012, 6:09 am by 1 Crown Office Row
That feeling of dismay is understandable, particularly if the case has been rejected by the Single Judge and thus the decision is unreasoned (for further academic criticism of the practice see, for instance, H, Keller et al, Debating the Future of the European Court of Human Rights after the Interlaken Conference: Two Innovative Proposals (2010) 21:4 EJIL 1025–1048. [read post]
23 Jan 2012, 2:00 am by INFORRM
Journalism and the PCC There are no adjudicated PCC rulings to report, but several “resolved” cases including: Miss Catherine Lemon v Western Daily Press (Clause 1, 20/01/2012); A woman v The People (Clauses 3, 6, 9, 19/01/2012); A woman v Daily Mail (Clauses 3, 6, 9, 19/01/2012); Mr Alan Shannon v Ayr Advertiser (Clause 1, 19/01/2012); Mr Alan Shannon v Sunday Mail (Clause 1, 19/01/2012); Dr Esther Hobson v The Star (Sheffield)… [read post]
10 Jan 2012, 2:05 pm by Steve Hall
The California Supreme Court opinion in People v. [read post]
4 Jan 2012, 1:27 pm by Alicia Gay, ACLU
The ACLU is challenging Section 3 of the misleadingly named Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) on behalf of our client Edie Windsor in Windsor v. [read post]