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7 Jun 2017, 10:03 am by Brianna Smith
Kelly Johnson was a young assistant at the William Morris Agency in the 1990s when Bill Cosby, one of the company’s biggest clients at the time, began showing an interest in her. [read post]
13 Mar 2017, 3:15 pm by CrimProf BlogEditor
Clare McGlynn, Kelly Johnson and Nicole Westmarland (Durham Law School, Durham University, Durham University - School of Applied Social Sciences (SASS) and Durham University) have posted Under the Radar: The Widespread Use of ‘Out of Court Resolutions’ in Policing Domestic... [read post]
22 Sep 2008, 4:10 pm
Tiffany Stochel of the Indianapolis Star reports today in a story that begins:The law firm of Bose McKinney & Evans LLP is pleased to announce that Kellie M. [read post]
22 Oct 2008, 9:21 am by Steve Worrall
In 2001, Kelli joined the Cobb County office of Moore Ingram Johnson & Steele, where her law practice has continued to focus on probate litigation, guardianship issues, estate planning, and general civil litigation. [read post]
16 Aug 2016, 7:26 pm by Tom Smith
Mark Kirk and Ron Johnson are almost certain goners and Pat Toomey and Kelly Ayotte both trail narrowly right now. [read post]
20 Oct 2011, 9:01 am by CJLF Staff
Alabama Set to Execute Man for Murder of Infant Son: Kelli Dugan of Reuters reports Christopher Thomas Johnson, 39, is scheduled to die by lethal injection at 6 p.m. local time at the Holman Correctional Facility in Atmore, Alabama for the 2005 murder of his 6-month-old son. [read post]
5 Sep 2007, 7:00 am
On August 28, 2007, a three judge panel (McKay, Briscoe, Kelly) of the Tenth Circuit decided Johnson v. [read post]
22 Mar 2023, 5:40 pm by Howard Bashman
” And Shawn Johnson of Wisconsin Public Radio reports that “Dan Kelly, Janet Protasiewicz get personal in debate for Wisconsin’s hotly-contested Supreme Court seat; Kelly repeatedly accused Protasiewicz of lying while Protasiewicz called Kelly an enemy of democracy. [read post]
6 Jun 2018, 10:10 am by Page Pate
The Court declined to take up a case brought by Kelly Tucker, a public school teacher in… The post Public school teachers have First Amendment rights appeared first on Pate & Johnson Law Firm. [read post]
17 Dec 2008, 11:40 am
Court of Appeal (Civil Division) MA v Merck Sharp & DOHME Ltd [2008] EWCA Civ 1426 (16 December 2008) Animatrix Ltd & Ors v O’Kelly [2008] EWCA Civ 1415 (16 December 2008) Calvert v William Hill Credit Ltd [2008] EWCA Civ 1427 (16 December 2008) Allan v Johnson Controls Automative (UK) Ltd [2008] EWCA Civ 1377 (16 December 2008) Smith [...] [read post]
19 Jan 2015, 8:42 am by Robert J. Morgan
Kelly Johnson provides a review of the court’s decision in his article, “Privacy Comes at a Cost — Warrant Required for Cell Phone Search,” published by the Cincinnati Bar Association in its CBA Report. [read post]
27 Jan 2010, 1:51 pm by PJ Blount
Monday, February 1, 2010 6:00 pm Presentation Reception to Follow Kelly International Conference Facility James A. [read post]
11 Sep 2017, 6:01 am by Kit Case
Featured Artists Iskra Johnson Kate Protage Kellie Talbot Join the artists for the free opening reception! [read post]
8 Aug 2020, 8:20 am by Howard Bashman
Caroline Kelly of CNN reports that “Judges cite John Roberts’ opinion in reversing block on Arkansas abortion laws. [read post]
30 Apr 2012, 5:04 pm
Johnson to help advocate for residents in an Illegal Drugging Class Action Lawsuit against Ventura Convalescent Hospital. [read post]
4 Sep 2019, 1:52 pm by Tom Kosakowski
Kelli Johnson has been named the new Ombuds for Richland County School District Two, a fast-growing public school district in Columbia, South Carolina. [read post]
6 Apr 2010, 1:21 pm by jgabryno
by Joanne Irene Gabrynowicz with the blog faculty Source: NASA John Yembrick Headquarters, Washington 202-358-1100 Kelly Humphries Johnson Space Center, Houston 281-483-5111 CONTRACT RELEASE: C10-023 WASHINGTON — NASA has signed a $335 million modification to the current International Space Station contract with the Russian Federal Space Agency for crew transportation, rescue and related services in 2013 and 2014. [read post]
13 Jun 2010, 6:08 am by Lawrence B. Ebert
Kelly Henry is a federal public defender; case of worst possible defense you could have. [read post]