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12 Sep 2024, 8:32 am by Melissa Tremblay
The post Kelly Shivery Publishes “False Claims Act 101” in the Quarterly Journal of NALA appeared first on Whistleblower Law Collaborative. [read post]
13 Oct 2023, 1:58 pm by Suzanne E. Durrell
Advanced Certified Paralegal Kelly Shivery to Join Panel Focus on Paralegals: Crossing the Bridge from Intake to Service of Complaint and Managing the Stream Paralegals are an integral part of whistleblower law firms, and they can be critical to the success of whistleblowers and their cases. [read post]
27 Jul 2023, 7:34 am by Kelly Shivery
 WLC’s Bruce Judge and Kelly Shivery attended the panel and provided this summary. [read post]
19 Jan 2024, 7:09 am by Melissa Tremblay
.   The firm’s experienced Advanced Certified Paralegal, Kelly Shivery, joined a panel focused on Crossing the Bridge from Intake to Service of the Complaint and managing all of the steps in between for the successful launch of a case. [read post]