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26 Jan 2019, 11:51 pm
. - Law) has posted Epistemological Controversies and Evaluation of Evidence in International Criminal Trials (in The Oxford Handbook of International Criminal Law, Kevin Jon Heller, Frédéric Mégret, Sarah Nouwen, Jens David Ohlin & Darryl Robinson eds., forthcoming). [read post]
12 Dec 2018, 9:20 pm
Sara Kendall (Univ. of Kent - Law) & Sarah Nouwen (Univ. of Cambridge - Law) have posted International Criminal Justice and Humanitarianism (in The Oxford Handbook of International Criminal Law, Kevin Jon Heller, Frédéric Mégret, Sarah Nouwen, Jens David Ohlin & Darryl Robinson eds., forthcoming). [read post]
21 Sep 2018, 10:16 pm
Henry Lovat (Univ. of Glasgow - Law) has posted International Criminal Tribunal Backlash (in The Oxford Handbook of International Criminal Law, Kevin Jon Heller, Frédéric Mégret, Sarah Nouwen, Jens David Ohlin, & Darryl Robinson eds., forthcoming). [read post]
3 Aug 2018, 1:22 pm
Christine Schwöbel-Patel (Univ, of Liverpool - Law) has posted The Core Crimes of International Criminal Law (in The Oxford Handbook of International Criminal Law, Kevin Jon Heller, Frédéric Mégret, Sarah Nouwen, Jens David Ohlin & Darryl Robinson eds., forthcoming). [read post]
31 May 2018, 7:45 am
Contents include:Articles Monica Hakimi, The Jus ad Bellum’s Regulatory Form Kevin Jon Heller, Specially-Affected States and the Formation of Custom Notes and CommentsShelly Aviv Yeini, The Specially-Affecting States Doctrine Christine Gray, The 2017 Judicial Activity of the International Court of Justice International DecisionsJill I. [read post]
26 Mar 2018, 6:06 am
Trachtman, WTO Trade and Environment Jurisprudence: Avoiding Environmental Catastrophe Valentina Vadi, International Law and Its Histories: Methodological Risks and Opportunities Kevin Jon Heller, What Is an International Crime? [read post]
16 Mar 2018, 4:00 am
” Several scholars have since authored formidable critical responses to Reeves’s and Lawless’s conclusion that “[t]here is a strong argument such a strike would be lawful[,]” including Kevin Jon Heller, Michael Schmitt and Ryan Goodman, and Craig Martin. [read post]
4 Mar 2018, 9:00 am
Mikkel Jarle Christensen (Univ. of Copenhagen - Law) has posted The Creation of an Ad Hoc Elite: And the Value of International Criminal Law Expertise on a Global Market (in The Oxford Handbook of International Criminal Law, Kevin Jon Heller, Frédéric Mégret, Sarah Nouwen, Jens David Ohlin, & Darryl Robinson eds., forthcoming). [read post]
15 Feb 2018, 3:30 am
” This in turn triggered vigorous disagreement from several other legal experts, including Professors Kevin Jon Heller, Michael Schmitt, and Ryan Goodman. [read post]
25 Oct 2017, 6:07 am
Kevin Jon Heller (Univ. of Amsterdam - Law) has posted Specially-Affected States and the Formation of Custom. [read post]
18 Jun 2017, 11:00 pm
The threat posed by the Iranian regime was one focus of a recent Academic Exchange (AE) retreat of International Relations specialists and international lawyers. [read post]
28 Mar 2017, 11:55 am
. - Law) has posted Defense Perspectives on Fairness and Efficiency at the International Criminal Court (in The Oxford Handbook on International Criminal Law, Kevin Jon Heller et al. eds., forthcoming). [read post]
13 Mar 2017, 10:18 am
At Opinio Juris, Kevin Jon Heller brings us news that the Trump administration is “demand[ing] that Cambodia pay back $500 million it owes the US for providing support to Lon Nol’s unpopular regime. [read post]
13 Mar 2017, 8:13 am
At Opinio Juris, Kevin Jon Heller brings us news that the Trump administration is “demand[ing] that Cambodia pay back $500 million it owes the US for providing support to Lon Nol’s unpopular regime. [read post]
2 Feb 2017, 9:10 pm
Jean d'Aspremont (Univ. of Manchester - Law; Univ. of Amsterdam - Law) has posted The Two Cultures of International Criminal Law (in The Oxford Handbook of International Criminal Law, Kevin Jon Heller, Frederic Megret, Sarah Nouwen, Jens David Ohlin, & Darryl Robinson eds., forthcoming). [read post]
30 Jan 2017, 2:49 am
La creación de ONU Mujeres Entrevista Entrevista a Kevin Jon Heller [read post]
24 Dec 2016, 9:09 pm
(in The Oxford Handbook of International Criminal Law, Kevin Jon Heller, Frederic Megret, Sarah Nouwen, Jens David Ohlin, & Darryl Robinson eds., forthcoming). [read post]
13 Nov 2016, 3:15 pm
(A Revisionist History) Kevin Jon Heller University of London - School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) Date posted to database: 10 Sep... [read post]
16 Oct 2016, 7:03 am
Kevin Jon Heller (SOAS Univ. of London - Law) has posted 'Taking a Consenting Part': The Lost Mode of Participation (Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Review, forthcoming). [read post]
15 Oct 2016, 3:03 pm
(A Revisionist History) Kevin Jon Heller University of London - School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) Date posted to database: 10 Sep... [read post]