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17 Jun 2012, 3:37 pm
by Kevin Jon Heller In early May I discussed the OPCD’s motion to disqualify Moreno-Ocampo for making a number of inflammatory statements to the press concerning Saif Gaddafi’s guilt. [read post]
15 Jun 2012, 1:50 pm
by Kevin Jon Heller It will not come as a surprise to regular readers that I am appalled by Libya’s detention of Melinda Taylor, a lawyer with the ICC’s Office of Public Counsel for the Defence, and her translator. [read post]
15 Jun 2012, 8:46 am
As Kevin Jon Heller puts it: “She offers the best of both worlds: an ICC insider who offers institutional continuity, which will be critical in the coming years, but has a strong, independent voice that has not been tainted by Moreno-Ocampo’s incompetent tenure. [read post]
10 Jun 2012, 1:46 pm
by Kevin Jon Heller Like most people who believe in international criminal justice, I’m frustrated by the Sudanese government’s ability to stonewall the ICC regarding its innumerable crimes in Darfur. [read post]
10 Jun 2012, 3:25 am
by Kevin Jon Heller Dear readers, I need your advice. [read post]
9 Jun 2012, 6:00 am
As always, you could rely on Kevin Jon Heller this week to keep you up-to-date with developments at the International Criminal Court. [read post]
7 Jun 2012, 2:12 pm
by Kevin Jon Heller The Office of the Prosecutor has filed its response to Libya’s challenge to the admissibility of the cases against Saif Gaddafi and Abdullah al-Senussi. [read post]
6 Jun 2012, 4:18 am
by Kevin Jon Heller I want to call readers’ attention to a wonderful new Oxford book to which I’ve contributed a chapter: International Prosecutors, edited by Luc Reydams, Jan Wouters, and Cedric Ryngaert. [read post]
4 Jun 2012, 1:00 pm
Kevin Jon Heller, for example, expressed his concern about the length of Taylor’s sentence, mainly because it resonates with the Trial Chamber finding that Taylor is a mere accomplice, rather than a primary perpetrator of the crimes committed during the Sierra Leonean civil war. [read post]
4 Jun 2012, 5:00 am
Foreign Policy has a rebuttal about the Yale class taught by retired General Stanley McChrystal, a topic about which Kevin Jon Heller posted last week. [read post]
3 Jun 2012, 2:58 pm
by Kevin Jon Heller I want to congratulate my friend Andrew Cayley, the Chief International Co-Prosecutor of the ECCC and a barrister at London’s Doughty Street Chambers, on being named QC in England. [read post]
2 Jun 2012, 6:40 am
by Kevin Jon Heller The Pre-Trial Chamber has held that Article 95 of the Rome Statute applies to requests for surrender, thereby agreeing with Dapo and Jens and disagreeing with me. [read post]
31 May 2012, 5:00 am
Our Kevin Jon Heller has offered us his preliminary thoughts regarding yesterday’s Charles Taylor sentencing of 50 years’ imprisonment, and so has the blog IntLawGrrls. [read post]
30 May 2012, 1:03 pm
by Kevin Jon Heller So reports The Guardian: Liberia’s former president, Charles Taylor, has been sentenced to 50 years in jail for being “in a class of his own” when committing war crimes during the long-running civil war in neighbouring Sierra Leone. [read post]
30 May 2012, 5:00 am
This is the latest twist in the doctor’s conviction, a subject on which our own Kevin Jon Heller has posted. [read post]
30 May 2012, 4:49 am
Earlier this week, Kevin Jon Heller and I had an exchange over what the Pakistani doctor who helped the CIA, Akhil Afridi, was actually charged with and convicted of. [read post]
30 May 2012, 3:30 am
In analyzing the Chevron case, Professor Kevin Jon Heller articulated one common response, which views the procedural wrangling as disingenuous posturing. [read post]
29 May 2012, 11:31 pm
by Kevin Jon Heller Given my basic cynicism toward just about everything, I’m difficult to shock. [read post]
29 May 2012, 11:22 pm
by Kevin Jon Heller I originally thought it was a story in The Onion, but once again truth is stranger than fiction: Top international prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo, best known for pursuing war criminals, has been nominated as chief investigator at FIFA, soccer’s scandal-plagued governing body, with a brief to probe match-fixing and corruption. [read post]
28 May 2012, 5:11 am
Over at Opinio Juris, Kevin Jon Heller has a post complaining about Leon Panetta’s recent lament that “[i]t is so difficult to understand and it’s so disturbing that [Pakistan] would sentence this doctor to 33 years for helping in the search for the most notorious terrorist in our times. . . . [read post]