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17 Jun 2012, 3:37 pm by Kevin Jon Heller
by Kevin Jon Heller In early May I discussed the OPCD’s motion to disqualify Moreno-Ocampo for making a number of inflammatory statements to the press concerning Saif Gaddafi’s guilt. [read post]
15 Jun 2012, 1:50 pm by Kevin Jon Heller
by Kevin Jon Heller It will not come as a surprise to regular readers that I am appalled by Libya’s detention of Melinda Taylor, a lawyer with the ICC’s Office of Public Counsel for the Defence, and her translator. [read post]
15 Jun 2012, 8:46 am by Pádraig McAuliffe
As Kevin Jon Heller puts it: “She offers the best of both worlds: an ICC insider who offers institutional continuity, which will be critical in the coming years, but has a strong, independent voice that has not been tainted by Moreno-Ocampo’s incompetent tenure. [read post]
10 Jun 2012, 1:46 pm by Kevin Jon Heller
by Kevin Jon Heller Like most people who believe in international criminal justice, I’m frustrated by the Sudanese government’s ability to stonewall the ICC regarding its innumerable crimes in Darfur. [read post]
9 Jun 2012, 6:00 am by An Hertogen
As always, you could rely on Kevin Jon Heller this week to keep you up-to-date with developments at the International Criminal Court. [read post]
7 Jun 2012, 2:12 pm by Kevin Jon Heller
by Kevin Jon Heller The Office of the Prosecutor has filed its response to Libya’s challenge to the admissibility of the cases against Saif Gaddafi and Abdullah al-Senussi. [read post]
6 Jun 2012, 4:18 am by Kevin Jon Heller
by Kevin Jon Heller I want to call readers’ attention to a wonderful new Oxford book to which I’ve contributed a chapter: International Prosecutors, edited by Luc Reydams, Jan Wouters, and Cedric Ryngaert. [read post]
4 Jun 2012, 1:00 pm by Marina Aksenova
Kevin Jon Heller, for example, expressed his concern about the length of Taylor’s sentence, mainly because it resonates with the Trial Chamber finding that Taylor is a mere accomplice, rather than a primary perpetrator of the crimes committed during the Sierra Leonean civil war. [read post]
4 Jun 2012, 5:00 am by Jessica Dorsey
Foreign Policy has a rebuttal about the Yale class taught by retired General Stanley McChrystal, a topic about which Kevin Jon Heller posted last week. [read post]
3 Jun 2012, 2:58 pm by Kevin Jon Heller
by Kevin Jon Heller I want to congratulate my friend Andrew Cayley, the Chief International Co-Prosecutor of the ECCC and a barrister at London’s Doughty Street Chambers, on being named QC in England. [read post]
2 Jun 2012, 6:40 am by Kevin Jon Heller
by Kevin Jon Heller The Pre-Trial Chamber has held that Article 95 of the Rome Statute applies to requests for surrender, thereby agreeing with Dapo and Jens and disagreeing with me. [read post]
31 May 2012, 5:00 am by Jessica Dorsey
Our Kevin Jon Heller has offered us his preliminary thoughts regarding yesterday’s Charles Taylor sentencing of 50 years’ imprisonment, and so has the blog IntLawGrrls. [read post]
30 May 2012, 1:03 pm by Kevin Jon Heller
by Kevin Jon Heller So reports The Guardian: Liberia’s former president, Charles Taylor, has been sentenced to 50 years in jail for being “in a class of his own” when committing war crimes during the long-running civil war in neighbouring Sierra Leone. [read post]
30 May 2012, 5:00 am by Jessica Dorsey
This is the latest twist in the doctor’s conviction, a subject on which our own Kevin Jon Heller has posted. [read post]
30 May 2012, 4:49 am by Benjamin Wittes
Earlier this week, Kevin Jon Heller and I had an exchange over what the Pakistani doctor who helped the CIA, Akhil Afridi, was actually charged with and convicted of. [read post]
30 May 2012, 3:30 am by Cassandra Burke Robertson
In analyzing the Chevron case, Professor Kevin Jon Heller articulated one common response, which views the procedural wrangling as disingenuous posturing. [read post]
29 May 2012, 11:31 pm by Kevin Jon Heller
by Kevin Jon Heller Given my basic cynicism toward just about everything, I’m difficult to shock. [read post]
29 May 2012, 11:22 pm by Kevin Jon Heller
by Kevin Jon Heller I originally thought it was a story in The Onion, but once again truth is stranger than fiction: Top international prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo, best known for pursuing war criminals, has been nominated as chief investigator at FIFA, soccer’s scandal-plagued governing body, with a brief to probe match-fixing and corruption. [read post]
28 May 2012, 5:11 am by Benjamin Wittes
Over at Opinio Juris, Kevin Jon Heller has a post complaining about Leon Panetta’s recent lament that “[i]t is so difficult to understand and it’s so disturbing that [Pakistan] would sentence this doctor to 33 years for helping in the search for the most notorious terrorist in our times. . . . [read post]