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27 May 2012, 8:08 pm by Kevin Jon Heller
by Kevin Jon Heller I’ve been meaning to blog about the 33-year sentence that Pakistan recently imposed on Shakil Afridi, the doctor who secretly worked with the CIA to locate bin Laden. [read post]
26 May 2012, 5:00 am by An Hertogen
Until he found a searchable version, Kevin Jon Heller was floored by the Special Court for Sierra Leone’s 2499 page judgment in the Charles Taylor case, and asked whether the length would affect the length of Taylor’s sentence. [read post]
22 May 2012, 5:22 pm by Kevin Jon Heller
by Kevin Jon Heller Evelyne Schmid, a lecturer in law at Bangor University in Wales, has taken it upon herself to convert the 2,499 page non-searchable PDF into a searchable (but, alas, still 2,499 pages) text file. [read post]
22 May 2012, 5:03 pm by Kevin Jon Heller
by Kevin Jon Heller Readers will recall that I followed the progress of my book on the Nuremberg Military Tribunals on the blog, from proposal to finished project. [read post]
22 May 2012, 2:59 am by Kevin Jon Heller
by Kevin Jon Heller So reports ABC News (and multiple other news outlets): The man who ran Libya’s extensive spy network and was considered one of the closest confidants of ex-leader Moammar Gadhafi was indicted in Mauritania on Monday and transferred to a public jail, according to a justice official. [read post]
21 May 2012, 9:13 pm by Kevin Jon Heller
by Kevin Jon Heller That’s my basic reaction to the release of the full judgment in the Taylor trial, which checks in at an utterly absurd 2,499 pages. [read post]
18 May 2012, 9:40 pm by Kevin Jon Heller
by Kevin Jon Heller Earlier today, Russia called on the ICC to investigate possible war crimes committed by NATO forces during its bombing campaign in Libya: The International Criminal Court should look into all cases of NATO airstrikes in Libya that resulted in civilian deaths, the Russian Foreign Ministry said. “We welcome the decision of ICC Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo to consider alleged violations of international humanitarian law,” Foreign Ministry… [read post]
15 May 2012, 5:56 am by Kevin Jon Heller
by Kevin Jon Heller As readers know, Dapo Akande, Jens Ohlin, and I have been having a friendly debate over whether Article 95 of the Rome Statute requires Libya to surrender Saif to the ICC pending the Pre-Trial Chamber’s resolution of its admissibility challenge. [read post]
14 May 2012, 3:45 am by Kevin Jon Heller
by Kevin Jon Heller My recent post on PhDs calling themselves “Dr.” led one of my e-friends, Martin Holterman, to remind me that I had promised to post about my dissertation defense — called a “viva” in the Netherlands — at Leiden University last year. [read post]
12 May 2012, 6:00 am by An Hertogen
by An Hertogen This week on Opinio Juris, Kevin Jon Heller posted on Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s refusal to participate in his Military Commission trial, on the censored time-delayed video and audio feed from the trial and on the irony of an op-ed complaining about “false information about the detention” in the media coverage. [read post]
11 May 2012, 5:58 pm by Kevin Jon Heller
by Kevin Jon Heller Jose Rodriguez, the former CIA officer who describes the Bush administration’s systematic torture regime as people “putting their big boy pants on” and who personally destroyed 92 videotapes documenting the waterboarding of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Abu Zubaydah because “out of context they would make us look terrible,” has an op-ed for CNN today complaining about media coverage of the 9/11 military commission. [read post]
10 May 2012, 5:38 pm by Kevin Jon Heller
by Kevin Jon Heller More follies from the Khalid Sheikh Mohammed military commission: The video and audio feed from the war court at Guantanamo Bay is on a time delay so as to prevent accidental or deliberate disclosure of classified information during proceedings. [read post]
9 May 2012, 10:10 pm by Kevin Jon Heller
Heller” (before I obtained my PhD), or simply “Kevin” instead of “Professor Heller,” my title as a brand-new Assistant Professor at the University of Georgia. [read post]
8 May 2012, 10:57 pm by Kevin Jon Heller
by Kevin Jon Heller So reports Mark Kersten in a blockbuster post at Justice in Conflict. [read post]
7 May 2012, 5:00 am by Jessica Dorsey
As Kevin Jon Heller also noted, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the alleged “Mastermind of 9/11,” and four other men have refused to enter a plea in their military commissions trial at Guantanamo Bay. [read post]
3 May 2012, 5:43 am by Kevin Jon Heller
by Kevin Jon Heller In the comments to my previous post, Mark Kersten (of the superb Justice in Conflict blog) asks an excellent question: Saif remains in the custody of the former rebels in Zintan, not the NTC. [read post]
2 May 2012, 9:21 pm by Kevin Jon Heller
by Kevin Jon Heller The Nuremberg defense pops up in the strangest places. [read post]
1 May 2012, 10:13 pm by Kevin Jon Heller
by Kevin Jon Heller Libya has now brought a formal admissibility challenge under Article 19 of the Rome Statute. [read post]
30 Apr 2012, 8:56 pm by Kevin Jon Heller
by Kevin Jon Heller Of course, that means it’s been a much better week for anyone who isn’t so keen on the prospect of attacking Iran. [read post]