Your search Keystone Bituminous Coal Assn., a Pennsylvaniaunincorporated Association of Bituminous Coal Producers,individually and As Represented by Certain of Its Membercompanies; Helvetia Coal Company, a Pennsylvaniacorporation; Rochester & Pittsburgh Coal Company, Apennsylvania Corporation; U.S. Steel Mining Co., Inc., Adelaware Corporation, Individually and As a Trustee Ad Litemfor Keystone Bituminous Coal Assn.; United States Steelcorporation, a Delaware Corporation; and Consolidation Coalcompany, a Delaware Corporation, Appellants, v. Peter S. Duncan, Indi v. and in His Capacity As Secretary Ofthe Commonwealth of Penna. Dept. of Environmental Resources,philip Zullo, Indi v. and in His Capacity As Chief, Di v. Ofmine Subsidence of the Bureau of Mining and Reclamation Ofthe Comm. of Penna., Dept. of Environmental Resources, Andthomas B. Alexander, Indi v. and in His Capacity As Chief,section of Mine Subsidence Regulation of the Di v. of Minesubsidence of the Bureau of Mining and Reclamation of Thecomm. of Penna., Dept. of Environmental Resources did not match any document.