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7 Aug 2017, 8:27 am by Jason Gordon and John P. Feldman
Laura Brett joined the NAD in 2012, and is widely viewed as an excellent choice to maintain continuity with former director Andrea Levine. [read post]
7 Aug 2017, 8:27 am by Jason Gordon and John P. Feldman
Laura Brett joined the NAD in 2012, and is widely viewed as an excellent choice to maintain continuity with former director Andrea Levine. [read post]
9 Feb 2017, 10:30 am by Paul Caron
Dean Laura Rosenbury has announced that Mindy Herzfeld (right) will join the faculty of the University of Florida Levin College of Law as a Professor of Tax Practice and Director of the LL.M. in International Tax Program: Since 2014, Professor Herzfeld has been a Contributing Editor for Tax Analysts, authoring... [read post]
20 Feb 2017, 2:00 am by Paul Caron
Dean Laura Rosenbury has announced that Fred Murray will join the faculty of the University of Florida Levin College of Law as a full-time Professor of Tax Practice: Since 2007, Professor Murray has been at Grant Thornton LLP, where he serves as a Managing Director, International Tax Services. [read post]
26 Aug 2018, 6:00 am by Paul Caron
University of Florida Press Release: Dean Laura Rosenbury is very happy to announce that Professor Charlene Luke has agreed to serve as the Associate Dean for Tax Programs at the University of Florida Levin College of Law. [read post]
18 Oct 2010, 8:56 am by Brian Cuban
Laura is that she had no 1st Amendment rights on her talk show. [read post]
1 May 2015, 10:27 am by Howard Wasserman
And please welcome our May visitors: Adam Zimmerman (Loyola-LA), Jenny Carroll (Alabama), Andrew Pollis (Case Western), Brooke Coleman (Seattle), and Laura McNally-Levine (Case Western). [read post]
26 Apr 2018, 8:27 pm by Legal Skills Prof
[From Daily Business Review, "The University of Florida Levin College of Law, for instance, came in last on... [read post]
14 Apr 2021, 6:25 am by Howard Bashman
“‘Breyer Retire’ campaign looms over Dems’ tenuous majority; Neither Democratic lawmakers nor President Joe Biden are putting overt retirement pressure on the Supreme Court justice — but his future is on everyone’s minds”: Burgess Everett, Marianne LeVine, and Laura Barrón-López of Politico have this report. [read post]
18 Jun 2008, 8:34 pm
Despite the truncated nature of the hearing, Levin testified about several new and important details: First, as Laura Rozen has already reported, Levin added a codicil to his opening statement that was not included in his written submission, and it's a doozy: If I could just add one point. [read post]
As it appeared on WTNH News 8 By Laura Hutchinson (WTNH) — It’s the season for shopping. [read post]
2 Sep 2020, 4:00 am by Paul Caron
Following up on my previous posts (links below): UF Law Students Receive Nearly $1 Million in Financial Support During Pandemic: More than 280 University of Florida Levin College of Law students received financial support from the law school this summer, totaling nearly $1 million. ... [read post]
As it appeared on WTNH News 8 By Laura Hutchinson (WTNH) — Connecticut is beginning to notify people in Phase 1B who will soon be eligible for COVID-19 vaccinations. [read post]
17 Nov 2008, 7:52 am
I guessed #1 and #2, and I see plenty of good reason for these choices:23) Michele Bachmann (4)23) Glenn Beck (4)23) Pat Buchanan (4)23) Victor David Hanson (4)23) Charles Krauthammer (4)23) Dennis Prager (4)23) John Roberts (4)20) Dick Cheney (5)20) Mark Levin (5)20) Clarence Thomas (5)19) Paul Ryan (6)15) Tom Coburn (7)15) Laura Ingraham (7)15) Sean Hannity (7)15) Mike Pence (7)12) Jeff Flake (8)12) Jonah Goldberg (8)12) Antonin Scalia (8)11) Jim DeMint (10)9) Ann Coulter (11)9)… [read post]
12 Sep 2016, 6:14 am by David Markus
"An expert in feminist legal theory, Laura Rosenbury wrote a 4,000-word article for the New England Law Review that ended by recounting a banquet last fall when the male president of UF's Florida Law Review introduced Rosenbury with that description. [read post]
17 Sep 2007, 10:01 pm
Good luck to incoming attorney Marci Levine of Freid and Goldsman. [read post]