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19 Mar 2024, 12:22 pm
The post New club focuses on advancement, support of Md. women in legal profession appeared first on Maryland Daily Record. [read post]
1 Dec 2022, 2:47 pm
The post For Women In The Legal Profession, It’s Enough With Too Little, Too Late appeared first on Above the Law. [read post]
22 May 2023, 8:00 am
The Legal Watchdog, Accounting: How to Wreck (and Rescue) a Profession: In my earlier life, becoming a CPA was, in a sense, easy. [read post]
20 Aug 2014, 8:36 pm
Maeve Hosier, a recent doctoral graduate of NUI Galway, has published her thesis The Regulation of the Legal Profession in Ireland. [read post]
9 Sep 2021, 2:00 am
The coronavirus pandemic has profoundly affected the state’s legal profession, but the impact has been uneven, a statewide survey of Maryland attorneys found. [read post]
7 May 2008, 8:11 am
Robert Ambrogi writes about the issue of depression in the legal profession. [read post]
12 Nov 2020, 8:33 am
In celebration of Native American Heritage Month, the UW Law Library has created a web display celebrating the accomplishments of members of the Native community in the legal profession. [read post]
10 Jun 2022, 8:32 am
The post Dealing with Secondary Trauma in the Legal Profession [Webinar] appeared first on Mass LOMAP | An LCL Program. [read post]
4 Dec 2023, 12:26 pm
The Commission was founded in August 1987 to evaluate the status of women in the legal profession, which was quickly followed by the appointment of Hillary Rodham Clinton of Little Rock, Arkansas, as its first chair. [read post]
13 Oct 2011, 1:23 am
( Barriers to entry in the legal profession: Not enough lawyers? [read post]
11 Nov 2016, 4:00 am
Law schools are part of the continuum of the legal profession: they are irreversibly connected. [read post]
11 Sep 2017, 3:45 am
Diversity and Inclusion in Law School and the Legal Profession By Shoba Sivaprasad Wadhia* Good afternoon. [read post]
11 Apr 2012, 5:05 pm
The answer to that question contains the future of our profession. [read post]
6 Apr 2020, 11:15 am
The post How-To Video Tutorial Library for Popular Technology in Legal Profession appeared first on Mass LOMAP | An LCL Program. [read post]
20 Jun 2012, 9:14 am
The ABA Commission on Ethics 20/20 has released its latest recommendations so that the rules and ethics of the legal profession keep up with the incredible pace of technology. [read post]
17 May 2021, 7:24 am
As far as the legal profession has come, there are still elements of racial inequality and it’s not always easy to see. [read post]
4 Aug 2021, 9:23 am
While some wish to go back to the way things were before the pandemic, others recognize a big opportunity to improve the legal profession and move the needle forward. [read post]
7 Apr 2009, 12:11 pm
Nearly two years ago to the day, the law student group Building a Better Legal Profession came on the scene, intent on using its collective bargaining power and impressive top-tier law school credentials to force law firms to sign on... [read post]
26 Apr 2007, 6:44 am
The Center for the Study of the Legal Profession at Georgetown University Law Center is devoted to promoting interdisciplinary scholarship on the legal profession informed by awareness of the dynamics of modern practice. [read post]
17 Apr 2010, 2:36 pm
Benjamin Lesjak of the University of Maribor Faculty of Law, has published Perception and Willingness of the Slovenian Legal Profession to Use Videoconference, 24 International Review of Law, Computers, and Technology 93-99 (2010) (Issue no. 1). [read post]