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13 Aug 2018, 12:29 pm by Jeffrey Kahn
Mattis, in which the United States and the ACLU are locked in legal battle over the fate of an unnamed U.S. [read post]
22 Jul 2019, 8:27 am by Richard Primus
United States, which fires a loud shot across the bow of the administrative state, contained something like a fictionalized account of the facts behind Schechter Poultry. [read post]
19 Nov 2010, 5:32 am by Transplanted Lawyer
Ahmed Ghaliani was accused of being a significant participant in the August 7, 1998 bombings of the United States embassy complexes in Kenya and Tanzania. [read post]
27 Apr 2017, 9:21 am by Ashley Deeks
Lots of tumblers would have to align in the lock before the United States could take custody of Assange. [read post]