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13 Dec 2007, 8:47 am
Fighting the Subtler Side of Sexism Lorelie Masters, the president of the Women's Bar Association of the District of Columbia, offers thoughts on "the soft bigotry of low expectations. [read post]
13 Dec 2007, 9:00 am
Interesting article in today's Legal Times: Fighting the Subtler Side of Sexism, by Debra Bruno: Lorelie Masters has her own theory about women's lack of progress in the legal profession. [read post]
27 Oct 2021, 11:22 am by Michael S. Levine
It has taken a pandemic, but the fallacy of Couch’s “physical alteration” standard, accepted blindly by myriad courts nationwide in COVID-19 insurance disputes and beyond, has been revealed in an article co-authored by Hunton insurance partner, Lorie Masters, with substantial assistance from Hunton insurance associate, Rachel Hudgins. [read post]
19 Jan 2018, 7:14 am by Hunton & Williams LLP
In an article published in Internet Retailer on January 11, 2018, Hunton & Williams LLP’s Insurance lawyers Syed Ahmad, Lorelie (Lorie) Masters and Katie Miller discuss the risks retailers face when using smartphone-reliant technology and contactless payment systems, including ransomware attacks and other security breaches, and the insurance coverage necessary to address these potential risks. [read post]
19 Jan 2018, 7:14 am by Hunton & Williams LLP
In an article published in Internet Retailer on January 11, 2018, Hunton & Williams LLP’s Insurance lawyers Syed Ahmad, Lorelie (Lorie) Masters and Katie Miller discuss the risks retailers face when using smartphone-reliant technology and contactless payment systems, including ransomware attacks and other security breaches, and the insurance coverage necessary to address these potential risks. [read post]
25 Jul 2011, 12:32 pm by Zoe Tillman
Department of Justice; Christopher Handman, a partner at Washington’s Hogan Lovells; Geoffrey Klineberg, a partner at Washington’s Kellogg, Huber, Hansen, Todd, Evans & Figel; Lorelie Masters, a partner at Washington’s Jenner & Block; Roy McLeese III, head of the appellate division in the U.S. attorney’s office; Randell Norton, a partner at Washington’s Thompson… [read post]
13 May 2011, 9:14 am by Zoe Tillman
Superior Court in 2003; Lorelie Masters, a partner at Washington’s Jenner & Block; Roy McLeese III, head of the appellate practice in the U.S. [read post]