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29 Aug 2007, 12:47 pm
Supreme Court's 2002 ruling in Atkins v. [read post]
9 Dec 2011, 12:51 am by John Steele
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit 2010 - “Campaigns for Judicial Office: The Impact of Caperton v. [read post]
Boersema, Lucas ReijndersWater ResourcesIntroduction to water resources and environmental issues / Karrie Lynn Pennington, Thomas V. [read post]
29 Jul 2011, 2:18 am by gmlevine
So, for example, “[t]he more descriptive the term the more extensive must be the use to show that the mark has acquired secondary meaning to become distinctive of a particular company,” Jason Hachkowski v Lucas Barnes, D2009-1800 (WIPO February 5, 2010) (. [read post]
3 Mar 2019, 4:51 pm by INFORRM
Butt v Secretary of State for the Home Department, heard 17 October 2018 (Underhill V-P, Sharp LJ and Sir Rupert Jackson). [read post]
5 Apr 2007, 10:13 pm
Clark's April 27th execution date because there was sufficient evidence that the State of Texas may have misapplied Atkins v. [read post]
29 Jul 2010, 11:00 pm by Kelly
(Michael Geist) United States US General Motorola and Huawei lawsuit re trade secret theft (Tangible IP) US Patents Is it ‘spare time’ if your employer owns your work? [read post]