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15 Apr 2011, 5:52 am by Michelle Lindo McCluer
Hawks, sentenced Specialist Velez to 26 years, reduction to the lowest enlisted grade, total forfeitures and a dishonorable discharge.Specialist Velez is currently confined at the Naval Brig Ford Island, Pearl Harbor, but will be remanded to the United States Army Corrections Command.The General Court Martial Convening Authority is Major General Bernard S. [read post]
11 Apr 2011, 11:13 am by Roshonda Scipio
Knight.Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2010. [read post]
15 Mar 2011, 7:23 am by Moderator
At the launch party, Destiny Real Estate & Sales presented three real estate developments to be constructed in 2007, which will be primarily promoted to the United States market. [read post]
28 Oct 2010, 12:57 pm by Robert Thomas (
No dice, held the court of appeals, in Lucas, "the United States Supreme Court held that in a takings case, where the property owner challenges a regulation as denying all economically beneficial or productive use of land, the regulatory action is 'compensable without a case-specific inquiry into the public interest advanced in support of the restraint.'" Slip op. at 9 (quoting Lucas v. [read post]
16 Sep 2010, 10:56 pm by Kelly
– Jimmy Page releases signed photo memoir book (1709 Blog) United States US General – Lawsuits and strategic steps Hewlett-Packard – HP sues Hurd concerning trade secrets (IPBiz) US Patents In defense of software patents – Part 2 (Patently-O) Software savvy patent attorneys, where are you? [read post]
2 Sep 2010, 11:41 pm by Kelly
File for harassment (TorrentFreak) United States US Patents – Decisions Federal Circuit holds-line on patent misuse defense: Princo Corp. v. [read post]
26 Aug 2010, 9:41 pm by Marie Louise
Summery but not so summary: EWCA (Civ) decision in trade mark infringement case Oracle America Inc (formerly Sun Microsystems Inc) v M-Tech Data Ltd and Lichtenstein (IPKat) Nokia fakes case: silence over official submission (IPKat) UK’s Digital Economy Act hurts digital technology development (ipeg)   United States US Patents Did the lack of software savvy patent attorneys cause a decline in patent quality? [read post]
26 Aug 2010, 9:03 am by Anna Christensen
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and Eleven Additional Members of Congress Brief in opposition Title: United States v. [read post]
21 Aug 2010, 12:00 am by Sex Offender Issues
Before O'Meara's resentencing, the Supreme Court of the United States decided in Blakely v. [read post]
29 Jul 2010, 11:00 pm by Kelly
(Michael Geist) United States US General Motorola and Huawei lawsuit re trade secret theft (Tangible IP) US Patents Is it ‘spare time’ if your employer owns your work? [read post]