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11 Aug 2014, 4:10 am by Ben Vernia
McKesson is a pharmaceutical distributor with corporate headquarters in San Francisco [read post]
22 Jul 2014, 6:57 am
  It was distributed in California by the one California party to the case, McKesson Corporation. [read post]
3 Jun 2014, 12:11 pm
  Because GSK is a Delaware corporation, diversity does not exist in those cases unless plaintiffs were found misjoined. [read post]
10 May 2013, 10:26 am by Gene Quinn
McKesson Technologies involved a patented interactive electronic method for communicating between healthcare providers and patients about personalized web pages for doctors. [read post]
22 Apr 2013, 2:43 pm by Fraud Fighters
  McKesson – $190 million The Department of Justice announced a settlement it reached with McKesson Corporation, a large drug wholesaler, for over $190 million to resolve accusations that the company inflated pricing information for numerous prescription drugs it sold, resulting in Medicaid overpaying for those drugs. [read post]
6 Mar 2013, 7:17 am
In April 2012, McKesson Corporation paid $190 million to resolve claims that it violated the FCA by reporting inflated pricing information for a large number of prescription drugs, causing Medicaid to overpay for those drugs. [read post]
2 Sep 2012, 9:00 pm by Patent Docs
Among the sessions being offered during the annual meeting will be: Plenary Session -- The Impact of the AIA Rules Concurrent Track -- Patent Litigation Under the AIA -- including presentations on: • AIA Effects on Litigation, Operating Under PGR/IPR and Getting Best Effect/Results • Discovery Procedures Under AIA • Best Practices for Corporate e-Discovery Under AIA • Joint Infringement—Akamai/McKesson Aftermath and Strategies Under AIA Concurrent Track --… [read post]
17 Aug 2012, 6:23 am by Bala Krishnan
  1:11-cv-00839 16/09/2011 Voluntary Dismissal filed by plaintiff Kickapoo Run LLC     The Aforementioned companies except McKesson Corporation are all sued for the same U.S patent US5961332. [read post]
8 Aug 2012, 8:30 am by Steven G. Pearl
., was a member of a certified class in an action filed in Massachusetts district court against  McKesson Corporation, alleging a conspiracy to violate RICO. [read post]
30 Jul 2012, 11:00 am by Lucas A. Ferrara, Esq.
Schneiderman announced that the drug distribution company McKesson Corporation will pay $64 million in restitution to New York for over-billing the state's Medicaid program as part of a $151 million multi-state settlement. [read post]
15 Jul 2012, 4:30 am by Paul Cole
McKesson Technologies involved a patented interactive electronic method for communicating between healthcare providers and patients about personalized web pages for doctors. [read post]
5 Jul 2012, 5:59 am by Kevin Goldberg
The McKesson Corporation’s social media policies instructed employees to adopt a “warm”, “friendly” and “professional” tone, and not to “pick fights”. [read post]
21 Jun 2012, 11:46 am by Jon L. Gelman
Safety-Kleen Envirosystems Company by McKesson, and McKesson Corporation for itself55. [read post]
14 Jun 2012, 8:00 am by Michael Shumate
  The amount of compensation can be seen from examining the director compensation table from the McKesson Corporation (NYSE: MCK)2011 proxy statement. [read post]
9 Jun 2012, 7:22 pm
., McKesson Corporation, Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, and Schwartz Pharma for California products liability. [read post]
28 May 2012, 8:00 am by J Robert Brown Jr.
The analysis was repeated in letters to Xilnx, McKesson, Computer Sciences Corporation, and CA, Inc. [read post]
17 May 2012, 8:45 am
Recently, McKesson Corporation agreed to pay the United States $190 million to resolve claims that it violated the False Claims Act by falsely reporting inflated Average Wholesale Prices ("AWPs") for a large number of prescription drugs, causing government to set higher reimbursement rates for those drugs. [read post]
7 May 2012, 7:12 am by fraudfighters
Last week, the Department of Justice announced a settlement it reached with McKesson Corporation, a large drug wholesaler, for over $190 million to resolve false claims act allegations brought against the company. [read post]