Your search Margaret Kelly Michaels, v. State of New Jersey; Attorney General's Office; County of Essex; Essex County Prosecutor; George L. Schneider, Esq.; Herbert Tate, Esq.; John Mastroangelo; John Noonan; Glenn Goldberg, Esq.; Sarah Spencer-mcardle; Eileen C. Treacy, M.a.; the Essex County Police Department; Newark Police Department; Division of Youth and Family Services; Louis Fonnelaras; Susan Esquillan; "john Does", 1 Through 20 (fictitious Persons); "joseph Does", 1 Through 20 (fictitious Persons);"james Does"; "jane Does", 1 Through 20 (fictitious Persons); "harry Does",1 Through 20 (fictitious Persons),county of Essex, Appellant did not match any document.