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The judgment found Ba guilty of defaming Mario Machado, a well-known neo-Nazi activist in the country. [read post]
25 Apr 2021, 4:31 am by Mario Machado
Fault Lines alumni Mario Machado and Christopher Seaton are ready to slug it out to the following question: “Resolved: It is in the best interests of the American public to pursue a “national divorce. [read post]
14 Jun 2018, 4:19 am by SHG
In the debate between Chris Seaton and Mario Machado on the question of political correctness versus progress, there is a tacit tension that goes unmentioned. [read post]
25 Apr 2021, 4:30 am by Chris Seaton
Fault Lines alumni Mario Machado and Christopher Seaton are ready to slug it out to the following question: “Resolved: It is in the best interests of the American public to pursue a “national divorce. [read post]
27 Apr 2023, 4:03 am by SHG
Note: Fault Lines alumni Mario Machado and Christopher Seaton, who will apparently fight with each other over anything, agreed to debate the following topic: Resolved: Tennessee’s House of Representatives was right to expel the “Tennessee Three. [read post]
17 Dec 2021, 4:37 am by Chris Seaton
Fault Lines alumni Mario Machado and Chris Seaton seem to love arguing with each other, so they put a debate topic on Twitter, and with over sixty percent of the vote, SJ readers chose “Resolved: Die Hard is a Christmas Movie” as the SJ Holiday Debate topic. [read post]
4 Mar 2020, 4:56 am by SHG
Note: In light of the negative sentiment in numerous high-profile criminal cases in recent history generated by both the public and many members of the legal profession, Fault Lines alumni Mario Machado and Chris Seaton were tasked with debating the following: “Is the presumption of innocence a viable guiding principle or is it just a technical legal rule? [read post]
31 May 2023, 4:02 am by SHG
We’ve held debates here, most notably between two of our former Fault Lines debating rivals, Chris Seaton and Mario Machado. [read post]
14 Jun 2018, 4:02 am by Chris Seaton
Note: After two prominent intellectuals, a New York Times reporter and an award winning British media personality failed to debate the question ,“Be it Resolved: What You Call Political Correctness, I Call Progress,” former Fault Lines contributors Chris Seaton and Mario Machado attempted to succeed where four others failed. [read post]
25 Aug 2017, 3:29 am by SHG
Not long ago, a post here linked to the twitter of a woman who went down the passive-aggressive rabbit hole to lie about what Mario Machado twitted at her. [read post]
25 Mar 2014, 9:42 am by José Guillermo
Hace un par de días estuvo de visita en el Perú la Diputada venezolana, señora María Corina Machado, invitada al evento que organizó Mario Vargas Llosa,  contó la cita, también, con la presencia de Ex Jefes de Estado latinoamericanos. [read post]
27 Apr 2017, 4:17 am by Mario Machado
There was no surprise when ICE unveiled the nuts and bolts of its insufferably-named “Victims of Immigration Crimes Engagement” office, or VOICE. [read post]
19 Jun 2018, 4:18 am by SHG
Mario Machado then introduced some trench reality into the situation. [read post]
11 May 2016, 5:56 am by SHG
 Welcome criminal defense lawyer and President of the Harris County Criminal Lawyers Association, JoAnne Musick; Miami criminal defense and immigration lawyer, Mario Machado; and my editor at SJ and the most brilliant young man in Heidelberg, David Meyer-Lindenberg. [read post]
3 Dec 2021, 3:55 am by Chris Seaton
Special thanks go to Fault Lines Alumni Mario Machado, who was gracious enough to help me fill in a few blanks for this little idea of mine. [read post]
20 Jul 2017, 10:20 am by SHG
Because when Mario Machado suggested that one unduly emotional lawyer take her grievance to the judge with the three words, “why not comment? [read post]