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6 Jan 2020, 11:13 am by HL Chronicle of Data Protection
Mark Brennan Arpan Sura Kathryn Marshall Ali             It was a very busy year on the robocall front and, on 30 December 2019, President Trump signed into law the Pallone-Thune Telephone Robocall Abuse Criminal Enforcement and Deterrence (TRACED) Act (S. 151), which the House and Senate passed by wide, bipartisan margins earlier this year. [read post]
CLOUD Act was written by Hogan Lovells partners Winston Maxwell and Mark Brennan, and senior associate Arpan Sura. [read post]
18 Apr 2019, 7:26 am by HL Chronicle of Data Protection
An update on TCPA (Mark Brennan and Arpan Sura); The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA): Privacy law in the U.S. is changing dramatically (Tim Tobin); The FTC sinks its teeth into subscription sales – ROSCA (Lillian Hardy, Bret Cohen, and Doug Martin); and The e-consumer in South Africa – update on Protection of Personal Information Act (Ian Jacobsberg). [read post]