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3 Aug 2024, 9:33 am
Hostage Policy by Diane Foley (@FoleyDi), Luke Hart (@LukeHartig), Viola Gienger (@ViolaGienger), Paras Shah (@pshah518) and Harrison Blank Israel-Palestine / Israel-Iran Conflict The Aftermath of the Haniyeh Killing: How to Avoid a New Middle East War by Brianna Rosen (@rosen_br) Toward an International Register of Damage for the Occupation of Palestinian Territory by Mark Lattimer (@MGLattimer) Russia – Ukraine Making Russia Pay to Strengthen Ukraine by Svitlana Starosvit… [read post]
3 Aug 2016, 9:30 pm
” desan@law.harvard.eduChris gave us a deeply theorized account of the rise of currency that began with the identification of a binary that separates the Market (marked by transactions, money, profit) from the State (politics, law, and judgment). [read post]