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21 Nov 2018, 4:30 am by Karen Tani
This year's awardees:Katherine Carper Meggan Farish Cashwell Anne Gray Fischer Matthew Guariglia Sara Matthiesen Ashton Merck Shaun Ossei-Owusu Ivon Padilla Rodriguez Brendan Shanahan Kent Weber Geneva Smith Calvin Snyder Rachel WatsonThe members of the 2018 ASLH Committee for Research Fellowships and Awards were Serena Mayeri (Chair) (University of Pennsylvania); Leonardo Barbosa (CEFOR/Câmara dos Deputados,… [read post]
24 May 2019, 9:30 pm by Karen Tani
  From the Washington Post's "Made by History" section: Matthew Guariglia on "what the loss of the New York police museum means for criminal-justice reform. [read post]
16 Feb 2021, 3:42 am by Rebecca Jeschke
“The emails we received raise many questions about what the LAPD wanted to do with this video,” said EFF Policy Analyst Matthew Guariglia. [read post]
8 Aug 2022, 9:51 am by Aaron Jue
Talks PSA: Doorbell Cameras have Mics, TooFriday, August 12 at 12:00 in the Crypto & Privacy VillageEFF Policy Analyst Matthew Guariglia Reproductive Justice in the Age of SurveillanceFriday, August 12 at 15:30, Forum Room 133Speakers: EFF Staff Technologist Daly Barnett, Kate Bertash, EFF Director of Federal Affairs India McKinney, and EFF Legal Director Corynne McSherry. [read post]
23 Dec 2024, 8:08 am by Josh Richman
Amazon’s Ring home doorbell unit announced that it would disable its Request For Assistance tool, the program that had let police seek footage from users on a voluntary basis – an issue on which EFF, and Matthew Guariglia in particular, have done extensive work. [read post]
22 Oct 2019, 6:42 am by Rebecca Jeschke
“These partnerships expand the web of government surveillance of public places,” said EFF Policy Analyst Matthew Guariglia. [read post]
2 Jun 2021, 10:21 am by Jason Kelley
EFF Executive Director Cindy Cohn, EFF Director of Engineering for Certbot Alexis Hancock, and EFF Policy Analyst Matthew Guariglia weighed in on the way the internet (and surveillance) actually function, the impact that has on modern culture and activism, and how we’re grappling with the cracks this pandemic has revealed—and widened—in our digital world. [read post]
29 Apr 2021, 12:20 pm by Jason Kelley
He will be joined by EFF Executive Director Cindy Cohn, EFF Director of Engineering for Certbot Alexis Hancock, and EFF Policy Analyst Matthew Guariglia as they weigh in on surveillance in modern culture, activism, and the future of privacy. [read post]
14 May 2021, 4:35 pm by INFORRM
Columbia Global Freedom of Expression seeks to contribute to the development of an integrated and progressive jurisprudence and understanding on freedom of expression and information around the world. [read post]
1 May 2021, 4:17 pm by INFORRM
. ● Join the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) for a candid live discussion with NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, EFF Executive Director Cindy Cohn, EFF Director of Engineering for Certbot Alexis Hancock, and EFF Policy Analyst Matthew Guariglia as they weigh in on surveillance in modern culture, activism, and the future of privacy. [read post]
14 May 2024, 12:22 pm by Matthew Guariglia
Matthew Guariglia, Senior Policy Analyst Responsible for Government Surveillance Advocacy My morning can sometimes start surprisingly early. [read post]
13 Mar 2022, 9:41 am by Dave Maass
The Foilies were compiled by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (Director of Investigations Dave Maass, Senior Staff Attorney Aaron Mackey, Frank Stanton Fellow Mukund Rathi, Investigative Researcher Beryl Lipton, Policy Analyst Matthew Guariglia) and MuckRock (Co-Founder Michael Morisy, Senior Reporting Fellows Betsy Ladyzhets and Dillon Bergin, and Investigations Editor Derek Kravitz), with further review and editing by Shawn Musgrave. [read post]
18 Jun 2024, 12:05 am by Josh Richman
Resources:  Human Rights Data Analysis Group: “Predictive Policing Reinforces Police Bias” by Kristian Lum (Oct. 10, 2016)  Engaging Science, Technology, and Society: “Moral Crumple Zones: Cautionary Tales in Human-Robot Interaction” by Madeleine Clare Elish (Mar. 23, 2019)  EFF: “How We Think About Copyright and AI Art” by Kit Walsh (April 3, 2023)  Stable Diffusion Litigation  EFF: “A Broad Federal Publicity Right Is a Risky Answer… [read post]