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4 Jun 2011, 9:44 am by Brian Shiffrin
In the years after the Court of Appeals decision in Stith three of the four Appellate Departments have issued rulings counter to the Stith holding, concluding that because it is the defendant's initial burden to establish standing, the People may raise defendant's lack of standing for the first time on appeal (see People v McCall, 51 AD3d 822, 822 [2d Dept 2008] lv denied 11 NY3d 856 [2008]; People v Hooper, 245 AD2d 1020, 1021 [4th Dept 1997]; People v… [read post]
29 Apr 2011, 3:55 am
Proof of filing a timely application for disability benefits criticalJarek v McCall, 268 A.D.2d 654 It may prove critical to have proof that an application was filed with an agency as the Jarek case demonstrates. [read post]
31 Mar 2011, 3:51 am
The employee had not yet reported for work [Farley v McCall, 239 AD2d 779]; 2. [read post]
11 Mar 2011, 2:00 am by John Day
McCall, 913 S.W.2d at 153; see also Burroughs, 118 S.W.3d at 329; Staples v. [read post]
25 Feb 2011, 2:01 pm by WSLL
If you need assistance in putting together a citation from this, or any future opinion using the Universal Citation form, please contact the Wyoming State Law Library and we will provide any needed assistance]Summaries are prepared by Law Librarians and are not official statements of the Wyoming Supreme CourtCase Name: McCall-Press v. [read post]
14 Dec 2010, 12:41 am
Applying for disability retirement benefitsMiata v McCall, 277 AD2d 590Joseph Miata, a Long Island State Parks and Recreation Commission police officer, filed an application for performance of duty disability retirement benefits after he suffered an ankle injury as the result of his tripping while leaving work on August 24, 1995.After conducting a hearing during which conflicting expert testimony was presented, McCall denied Miata’s application for benefits.… [read post]
9 Dec 2010, 2:51 am
Medical experts and conflicting medical opinionsHarper v McCall, App. [read post]
3 Nov 2010, 2:54 am
Accidental disability retirementTuper v McCall, App. [read post]
28 Oct 2010, 3:18 am
Mandatory retirementMainello v McCall, 252 AD2d 235, motion to appeal dismissed, 93 NY2d 919In 1988 the state amended the Retirement and Social Security Law to change the mandatory age of retirement for certain members of the Police and Firefighters’ Retirement System [PFRS] from age 60 to age 57 [Chapter 795 of the Laws of 1988].State Police Assistant Deputy Superintendent John A. [read post]
18 Oct 2010, 3:06 am
Hearing officer may not the attorney of a party to draft findings of fact and determination to the attorney of a party in the proceeding LePore v McCall, 262 AD2d 919This decision illustrates the fact that a hearing officer is responsible for making findings of fact and conclusions of law necessary to support his or her determination and recommendation. [read post]