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9 Sep 2011, 9:35 pm by Patent Docs
James McEwen of Stein McEwen LLP (moderator); John E. [read post]
8 Jul 2011, 1:42 pm by SteinMcewen, LLP
   However, since 2005, many of the issues addressed in these reports have been resolved in court cases, such as by the Supreme Court in KSR International v. [read post]
25 Jan 2012, 1:26 pm by mstein03
 In subsequent posts, we intend to explore the odd dynamics of this fight, whether or not Viacom v. [read post]
13 Sep 2011, 3:02 pm by SteinMcewen, LLP
By Thad Cox and James McEwen Ever since June 8, 2005, Representative Lamar Smith, then Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property, along with several co-sponsors, have attempted to change the U.S. patent system. [read post]
21 Oct 2011, 1:31 pm by SteinMcewen, LLP
McEwen* Introduction The American Invents Act is a result of pressures from diverse industries and groups. [read post]