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28 May 2009, 3:13 pm
McKenzie, R (on the application of) v London Borough of Waltham Forest [2009] EWHC 1097 (Admin) was a Judicial Review initially brought on grounds that the local authority refused to provide the claimant with temporary accommodation following her notification by the hostel she was living in that she would not be able to remain once her baby was born. [read post]
18 Nov 2011, 6:12 am
Earlier in the week, this Kat had the pleasure of participating in a public debate at the Baker & McKenzie premises in London on whether the Meltwater decision (see IPKat here) "marks the end of browsing as we know it". [read post]
9 May 2012, 10:03 pm by Deepak Gupta
The attorney for the lender, McKenzie Check Advance, contended that Bland's argument was foreclosed by AT&T v. [read post]
The SEC stated that “the Commission will hold investment advisers accountable when they do not accurately describe their incorporation of ESG factors into their investment selection process. [read post]
10 Nov 2020, 12:21 pm by Barhoma Law
Initially, the court resolved the case against the defendant; however, after the states’ high court issued its opinion in People v. [read post]
17 Apr 2008, 5:26 am
Court of Appeal (Civil Division) Kuzel v Roche Products Ltd [2008] EWCA Civ 380 (17 April 2008) Manchester City Council v Moran & Anor [2008] EWCA Civ 378 (17 April 2008) TRM Copy Centres (UK) Ltd & Ors v Lanwall Services Ltd [2008] EWCA Civ 382 (17 April 2008) Duffield & Anor v Gandy [2008] EWCA Civ 379 (17 April 2008) Dunn v Parole Board [2008] EWCA Civ 374 (16 April 2008) A v Essex County Council [2008] EWCA Civ 364… [read post]
10 Nov 2013, 10:00 am by Howard Friedman
The court also dismissed his claim that Ramadan meals were served as late as possible in retaliation for his arguing about the proper time to serve these meals.In McKenzie v. [read post]
17 Sep 2020, 4:00 am by Public Employment Law Press
Matter of Fishman, 22 A.D.3d 100, 2005 NYSlipOp 06802 Matter of Calonge v Calonge, 52 AD3d 1111, 2008 NYSlipOp 05630; Matter of Marino, 73 A.D.3d 5, 2010 NYSlipOp 01800; Matter of McKenzie, 177 AD3d 134, 2019 NYSlipOp 06729; People v Jenkins, 55 Misc 3d 1207(A), 2017 NYSlipOp 50449(U); and People v Williams, 20 AD3d 72, 2005 NYSlipOp 04317. ** Respondent stipulated that [1] he stands convicted of a… [read post]
17 Sep 2020, 4:00 am by Public Employment Law Press
Matter of Fishman, 22 A.D.3d 100, 2005 NYSlipOp 06802 Matter of Calonge v Calonge, 52 AD3d 1111, 2008 NYSlipOp 05630; Matter of Marino, 73 A.D.3d 5, 2010 NYSlipOp 01800; Matter of McKenzie, 177 AD3d 134, 2019 NYSlipOp 06729; People v Jenkins, 55 Misc 3d 1207(A), 2017 NYSlipOp 50449(U); and People v Williams, 20 AD3d 72, 2005 NYSlipOp 04317. ** Respondent stipulated that [1] he stands convicted of a… [read post]
26 May 2011, 6:00 am by Victoria VanBuren
[This is the third installment in a three-part series on the Guest-Post:  States’ Rights, Big Business and the Nature of Arbitration:  AT&T Mobility LLC v. [read post]