Your search Medical Laundry Services, a Division of Oplco, Inc.,plaintiff-appellant, v. the Board of Trustees of the University of Alabama; S.richardson Hill, Both As an Individual and in His Officialcapacity As President of the University of Alabama Inbirmingham ("uab"); Dennis Sanchez, Both As an Individualand in His Official Capacity As Assistant Director of Thedepartment of Pharmacy at Uab; Vance Alexander, Both As Anindividual and in His Official Capacity As Associatedirector of the Department of Pharmacy at Uab; Hermanlazarus, Both Individually and in His Official Capacity Asdirector of the Department of Pharmacy at Uab; James E.moon, Both Individually and As Administrator of Theuniversity of Alabama Hospitals; Bob Cummings, Bothindividually and As Associate Director of Purchasing at Uab;clark Taylor, Both Individually and As Associateadministrator for Operations at Uab; Lester Elliot, Bothindividually and in His Official Capacity As Supervisor Ofthe Linen Service Department at Uab; Martin Novak, Bothindividually and in His Official Capacity As Assistantadministrator for Operations at Uab; et al., Defendants-appellees did not match any document.