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25 Jun 2014, 9:00 am by Media Law Prof
Ashley Messenger, American University, has published Reflections on New York Times Co. v. [read post]
7 Oct 2015, 9:30 pm by Dan Ernst
Entick sued Carrington and the other messengers for trespass. [read post]
1 Jun 2007, 7:06 am
One other quick note on the conflict between the Republican establishment and the grassroots, and the idea that the problem is the message, not the messenger.... [read post]
3 Aug 2014, 9:30 pm by Karen Tani
SnowAfterword: A Short History of the Messenger Position at the Supreme CourtMatthew HofstedtThe Burger Court and the Conflict Over the Rational Basis Test: The Untold Story of Massachusetts Board of Retirement v. [read post]
27 Apr 2020, 10:10 am by Karen Gullo
DOJWHEN: TuesdayApril 289 am Livestream: more on this case: Contact:  AaronMackeyStaff [read post]
8 Oct 2019, 3:36 am by SHG
Goldman twitted about the denial of cert in Herrick v. [read post]
17 Jan 2016, 3:55 am by INFORRM
On 12 January 2016, in the case of Barbulescu v Romania ([2016] ECHR 61) the European Court of Human Rights, by 6 votes to 1, dismissed a Romanian national’s appeal against his employer’s decision to terminate his contract for using a professional Yahoo Messenger account to send personal messages to his fiancé and brother. [read post]
3 Apr 2007, 2:33 pm
The failure to spend $60 or so on a messenger/process server -- and using a $1.25 certified mail letter instead -- means that the Sacramento City Unified School District is required to rehire a teacher it wants to terminate for another year. [read post]
11 Sep 2017, 4:09 pm by INFORRM
The decision of the Grand Chamber of the Court of Human Rights handed down last week in Bărbulescu v Romania ([2017] ECHR 754) is a surprising one that acts as a warning to employers. [read post]