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11 Mar 2024, 8:08 am by Unreported Opinions
Carrol requested a jury trial, and the case was transferred to the Circuit Court for […] The post MICHAEL CARROL v. [read post]
6 Apr 2009, 4:41 am
Michael Carroll (intellectual property, Cyberlaw) at Villanova University has accepted a senior offer from the Washington College of Law at American University, where he is a visiting professor this academic year. [read post]
28 Dec 2015, 1:03 pm by Heather Cobun
When Carroll County Circuit Court was assigned a fourth judge in 2013, Administrative Judge Michael M. [read post]
5 Feb 2020, 1:50 pm by Daily Record Staff
Criminal law — Sufficiency of the evidence — Gun possession by disqualified person Appellant Michael Walter Jones was convicted by a jury in the Circuit Court for Carroll County of possession with intent to distribute cocaine, two counts of possession of cocaine, possession of a shotgun after having been convicted of a crime of violence, ... [read post]
10 Jul 2007, 6:00 pm
15 Feb 2008, 7:55 am
Michael Carrol recently wrote about two significant developments in open-access to academic work. [read post]
31 Aug 2023, 6:56 am by Rick Hasen
Michael Parsons (Senior Legal Fellow, FairVote), Drew Penrose (Policy Consultant, FairVote), and Terrance Carroll (Senior Fellow for Voting and Democracy, FairVote): The California Supreme Court’s decision in Pico Neighborhood Association v. [read post]
In asking for a 90-day delay to the January 2024 trial, Trump’s attorney Michael Madaio argued that the continuation of the case amounts to a violation of Trump’s constitutional rights. [read post]
21 Jun 2010, 9:50 pm by Lebowitz & Mzhen
The motorcycle driver, 41-year-old Michael Destefano, was flown to University of Maryland R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center in critical condition. [read post]
21 Jun 2010, 9:50 pm by Lebowitz & Mzhen
The motorcycle driver, 41-year-old Michael Destefano, was flown to University of Maryland R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center in critical condition. [read post]
14 Jul 2010, 9:06 am by Michael McCann
"That's going to hurt USC on its appeal," said Michael Buckner, a Florida attorney and Trojan alumnus who specializes in sports law. [read post]
22 Jun 2011, 10:11 am by Mike Maslanka
Employment law attorney Micheal Maslanka reviews Michael Carroll’s book Awake at Work: 35 Practical Buddhist Principles for Discovering Clarity and Balance in the Midst of Work’s Chaos. [read post]
26 Sep 2014, 9:21 am by Katlin Newman, J.D.
New Jersey Assemblyman Michael Patrick Carroll recently introduced Assembly Bill 3650 to abolish the Election Law Enforcement Commission, repeal New Jersey’s restrictions on campaign finance and lobbying, and end public financing of gubernatorial campaigns. [read post]