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4 May 2009, 12:37 pm
FindLaw's Michael Dorf analyzes the Supreme Court's ruling in FCC v. [read post]
22 Jun 2007, 5:59 am
Michael Dorf comments, at Dorf on Law:As I noted last week (here), Tom Goldstein is projecting the current Supreme Court Term as VERY conservative (here). [read post]
18 Sep 2007, 12:50 pm
In my last post, I had a throw away line on Columbia law professor Michael Dorf. [read post]
28 Nov 2015, 8:35 am by Reproductive Rights
Dorf on Law (Nov. 10, 2015): Measuring the Chilling Effects of Late-Term Abortion Limits, by Michael Dorf: Here is the abstract for the paper: Supreme Court doctrine grants special protection against laws that “chill” protected speech, most prominently via the... [read post]
1 Sep 2009, 2:19 am
Dorf on Law, by law professor Michael Dorf:Dorf follows up with comments on an article in which he was quoted about lawsuits challenging the federal DOMA. [read post]
14 Oct 2015, 7:16 pm by Reproductive Rights
Dorf on Law (Oct. 12, 2015): The Supreme Court Should Grant Cert in the Texas Abortion Case, by Michael Dorf: Micheal Dorf argues in a recent blog entry that the Supreme Court should grant cert in Whole Women's Health v.... [read post]
3 Feb 2011, 4:54 am
Starting today, the default weekly schedule for Dorf on Law will have Michael Dorf publishing on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays; and Neil Buchanan returning to a twice-weekly schedule on Thursdays and Fridays. [read post]
26 Jan 2010, 2:19 pm by Jonathan H. Adler
Michael Dorf has an interesting post explaining why he thinks Justice Thomas (joined by Justice Scalia) was correct to argue that the Court should have accepted certiorari in Noriega v. [read post]
10 Feb 2010, 8:39 am by Steve Hall
But the differences observed by political science are ideological differences, rather than methodological differences.Much more Dorf commentary at his Dorf on Law blog. [read post]
29 Feb 2008, 2:29 pm
The Hidden Logic of a Recent  Retroactivity Case in the Supreme Court," is the title of Columbia law prof Michael Dorf.Last week, in Danforth v. [read post]
10 Aug 2009, 7:25 pm
Cornell’s Michael Dorf recently posted a very witty response to Leiter’s veganism poll. [read post]
10 Jul 2007, 7:32 am
Michael Dorf is quite skeptical of the claim (noted by Liptak) that contingent fee lawyers working for state AGs or the federal government violates the principle of separation of powers. [read post]
28 Apr 2011, 7:53 pm by Joe Tort
Michael Dorf (Cornell) has posted a critique of the AT&T decision and the Court's analysis of class actions. [read post]
10 Mar 2008, 6:15 am
Michael Dorf's most recent Findlaw column is worth a look. [read post]
29 Sep 2010, 4:50 am by Lawrence Solum
Check out Michael Dorf's interesting post, Severability's Double Edged Sword. [read post]
25 Jan 2018, 8:04 am by Immigration Prof
Michael Dorf on Justia declares that "[t]he government deserves to lose its case in the Supreme Court, but even if it wins, that will not vindicate Trump’s cruel and Islamophobic immigration policy. [read post]
23 Apr 2007, 12:03 pm
Findlaw's Michael Dorf discusses the implications of the Don Imus firing by comparing it to secondary boycotts here.... [read post]