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10 Sep 2012, 4:00 am
Helfand, Religion's Footnote Four: Church Autonomy as Arbitration, (Minnesota Law Review, Vol. 97, Forthcoming).Robert W. [read post]
6 Sep 2012, 6:14 am
Michael Helfand (Pepperdine) has just posted on SSRN his article (forthcoming Minn. [read post]
26 Jul 2012, 2:55 pm
Townsend Gard ETownsendGard Tulane Leslie Garfield LawAcademics Pace Eric Goldman ericgoldman Santa Clara Jerry Goldman oyez Chicago-Kent Colleen Graffy Colleen_Graffy Pepperdine Kyle Graham kylefgraham Santa Clara Kent Greenfield Kentgreenfield1 Boston College James Grimmelman grimmelm NYLS Jill Gross profgross Pace Hugh Hanson HughCHansen Fordham Woodrow Hartzog hartzog Cumberland Rick Hasen rickhasen Irvine Michael Avi Helfand MAHelfand Pepperdine Joan… [read post]
7 Jul 2012, 10:16 am
Townsend Gard ETownsendGard Tulane Leslie Garfield LawAcademics Pace Eric Goldman ericgoldman Santa Clara Jerry Goldman oyez Chicago-Kent Colleen Graffy Colleen_Graffy Pepperdine Kyle Graham kylefgraham Santa Clara Kent Greenfield Kentgreenfield1 Boston College James Grimmelman grimmelm NYLS Jill Gross profgross Pace Hugh Hanson HughCHansen Fordham Woodrow Hartzog hartzog Cumberland Rick Hasen rickhasen Irvine Michael Avi Helfand MAHelfand Pepperdine Joan… [read post]
9 Apr 2012, 5:32 am
Michael Helfand (Pepperdine University) has posted Purpose, Precedent, and Politics: Why Concepcion Covers Less Than You Think to SSRN. [read post]
4 Apr 2012, 12:03 pm
Michael A. [read post]
20 Mar 2012, 12:16 pm
Michael A. [read post]
11 Mar 2012, 9:36 pm
I’m delighted to be back at Prawfsblawg, although, as always, I’m a little intimidated by my fellow co-guest bloggers – I’m not nearly as interesting as Jack Chin, and I have never been able to create the classroom excitement that my fellow Angelino Michael Helfand has. [read post]
2 Mar 2012, 8:48 pm
We've got Adam Kolber (BLS but spending the semester as a research fellow at NYU), Derek Bambauer (BLS en route to Arizona), Michael Waterstone (honcho at LLS); Eduardo Penalver (Cornell); Caleb Mason (SW); Michael Helfand (Pepperdine) and Michael Mannheimer (NKU). [read post]
18 Nov 2011, 7:28 am
Michael Helfand, an expert on religious law, notes that our case study of the canon law is simply the tip of the iceberg—outcasting is used extensively, we are interested to learn, in religious legal systems. [read post]
16 Nov 2011, 2:43 pm
We also enjoyed Michael Helfand’s observations about the use of outcasting in religious law. [read post]
15 Nov 2011, 6:56 pm
by Michael Helfand I read Scott’s and Oona’s article Outcasting with great pleasure. [read post]
31 Oct 2011, 8:51 am
; and Michael Helfand (Pepperdine). [read post]
20 Oct 2011, 3:35 am
.), and Michael Helfand (Pepperdine). [read post]
18 Aug 2011, 7:52 am
Louis) Richard Garnett (Notre Dame) Fred Gedicks (BYU) Michael Helfand (Pepperdine) James Davison Hunter (Virginia) Andrew Koppelman (Northwestern) Samuel Levine (Touro) Barry McDonald (Pepperdine) Michael Moreland (Villanova) David Opderbeck (Seton Hall) Michael Paulsen (St. [read post]
17 Aug 2011, 10:21 pm
Louis) Richard Garnett (Notre Dame) Fred Gedicks (BYU) Michael Helfand (Pepperdine) James Davison Hunter (Virginia) Andrew Koppelman (Northwestern) Samuel Levine (Touro) Barry McDonald (Pepperdine) Michael Moreland (Villanova) David Opderbeck (Seton Hall) Michael Paulsen (St. [read post]
13 Aug 2011, 6:22 am
Louis) Richard Garnett (Notre Dame) Fred Gedicks (BYU) Michael Helfand (Pepperdine) James Davison Hunter (Virginia) Andrew Koppelman (Northwestern) Samuel Levine (Touro) Barry McDonald (Pepperdine) Michael Moreland (Villanova) David Opderbeck (Seton Hall) Michael Paulsen (St. [read post]
12 Aug 2011, 2:19 pm
Louis) Richard Garnett (Notre Dame) Fred Gedicks (BYU) Michael Helfand (Pepperdine) James Davison Hunter (Virginia) Andrew Koppelman (Northwestern) Samuel Levine (Touro) Barry McDonald (Pepperdine) Michael Moreland (Villanova) David Opderbeck (Seton Hall) Michael Paulsen (St. [read post]
12 Aug 2011, 2:13 pm
Louis) Richard Garnett (Notre Dame) Fred Gedicks (BYU) Michael Helfand (Pepperdine) James Davison Hunter (Virginia) Andrew Koppelman (Northwestern) Samuel Levine (Touro) Barry McDonald (Pepperdine) Michael Moreland (Villanova) David Opderbeck (Seton Hall) Michael Paulsen (St. [read post]
24 May 2011, 5:31 am
[discussing free exercise issues]Michael Helfand, Why San Francisco Ballot Measure Proposing Circumcision Ban Is Unconstitutional [discussing hybrid rights theory]Mirror of Justice, Circumcision and Hybrid Rights[Thanks to Steven H. [read post]