Search for: "Michael Simkovic"
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10 Mar 2021, 5:25 am
The American Law Institute will award its Early Career Scholars Medal to Professors Ashley S. [read post]
16 Dec 2020, 7:53 am
Joseph Warburton & Michael Simkovic, Mutual Funds That... [read post]
26 Oct 2020, 5:00 am
I recently discussed research debunking claims that law school and business school are only worthwhile for those privileged enough to gain admission to elite programs.... [read post]
22 Sep 2020, 11:10 am
A popular narrative is that business school is not worth the time and money, especially outside of a handful of elite programs. [read post]
19 Sep 2020, 9:39 am
In the NY Review of Books (recently republished online): Nazism was so horrifying and so barbaric that for many people in nations where authoritarianism is... [read post]
18 Sep 2020, 5:44 pm
With the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Republican control of the White House and Senate, the Supreme Court will likely soon become more... [read post]
26 Aug 2020, 3:00 am
Frank McIntyre (Rutgers) & Michael Simkovic (USC), Value of a Law Degree by College Major, 68 J. [read post]
30 Jul 2020, 5:00 am
See here. [read post]
24 Jul 2020, 10:00 pm
Steven Diamond and Patricia Cain discuss tradeoffs between online and hybrid legal education during the COVID pandemic and argue in favor of online based on... [read post]
5 Jun 2020, 12:05 am
Following up on my previous post, Biased Budget Scoring And Underinvestment: Michael Simkovic (USC), Underinvestment and Slow Growth: PWBM Concedes Flaws, 167 Tax Notes Fed. 449 (Apr. 20, 2020): The U.S. economy is growing more slowly than it can and should be growing because it does not invest enough in... [read post]
30 May 2020, 9:02 pm
A recent article argues that legal clinics funded in the 1960s to help the poor obtain access to legal services helped reduce civil unrest and... [read post]
18 May 2020, 10:00 am
Michael Simkovic (USC), Legal Occupations Prove Resilient During COVID Shutdowns: International efforts to slow the spread of coronavirus have come at heavy economic cost. [read post]
18 May 2020, 9:16 am
International efforts to slow the spread of coronavirus have come at heavy economic cost. [read post]
6 Apr 2020, 4:00 am
Unemployment increased from 3.5 percent in February to 4.4 percent in March, according to the U.S. [read post]
3 Apr 2020, 12:09 pm
As part of the CARE Act passed in March, the Small Business Administration (SBA) is working with private banks to make several hundred billion dollars... [read post]
31 Mar 2020, 4:30 am
The Access Lex Institute is providing $5 million in total to fund an emergency relief fund for students at each of 200 law schools. [read post]
5 Mar 2020, 2:23 pm
The Coronavirus has become a media sensation, receiving more press coverage and more general interest than the better known common Flu. [read post]
24 Feb 2020, 10:00 am
Banzhaf, III (George Washington), Godless Liberal Law Professors Are Training Future Lawyers James Lindgren (Northwestern), Christians Denied Law Faculty Jobs May Have A Case Against Law Schools Michael Simkovic USC),... [read post]
18 Feb 2020, 2:00 am
Michael Simkovic (USC), Biased Budget Scoring And Underinvestment, 166 Tax Notes 757 (Feb. 3, 2020): Empirical studies routinely find evidence that public investments in education, science, and infrastructure have as high or a higher rate of return than private capital invested more broadly, and that such public investments are complementary... [read post]
13 Feb 2020, 8:16 am
Bloomberg reports that Novartis AG, a Swiss Pharmaceutical firm with a Market Capitalization in excess of 220 billion USD and U.S. headquarters in Boston, is... [read post]