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20 Jan 2020, 9:30 pm by Mitra Sharafi
A printing press at Yale (Mitra Sharafi)[We share the following announcement from Mike Widener, Rare Book Librarian at the Lillian Goldman Law Library, Yale Law School. [read post]
16 Jan 2020, 10:04 am by Dan Filler
  The committee is chaired by Heinz Klug, Evjue-Bascom Professor of Law and the others are: Michelle Behnke, community member and external practicing attorney; Roman Gierok, student; Erica Halverson, professor of curriculum and instruction; Alexandra Huneeus, professor of law; Richard Monette, professor of law; Yaron Nili, assistant professor of law; Kim Peterson, lecturer; Howard Schweber, professor of political science and Law School affiliated faculty; Mitra Sharafi,… [read post]