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2 Feb 2016, 5:30 am by Robert Ambrogi
I am very pleased to announce the launch of our new podcast, Law Technology Now, co-hosted with Monica Bay, longtime editor of Law Technology News now a fellow at CodeX, the Stanford Center for Legal Informatics, and produced by the Legal Talk Network. [read post]
29 May 2019, 7:08 pm by Monica Bay, CodeX Fellow
Cover: Stanford University Monica Bay is a Fellow at CodeX and a freelance journalist. [read post]
15 May 2019, 2:11 pm by Monica Bay, CodeX Fellow
Monica Bay is a Fellow at CodeX and a freelance journalist. [read post]
2 May 2019, 7:59 am by Monica Bay, CodeX Fellow
Cover: Monica Bay is a Fellow at CodeX and a freelance journalist. [read post]
14 Aug 2018, 5:57 am by Bob Ambrogi
 It is named for Monica Bay, whose trailblazing career as the editor-in-chief of ALM’s Law Technology News and now as a fellow at CodeX: The Stanford Center for Legal Informatics and a freelance journalist, has inspired numerous people to pursue technology-related careers. [read post]
17 Apr 2019, 7:20 am by Monica Bay, CodeX Fellow
Cover:   Monica Bay is a Fellow at CodeX and a freelance journalist. [read post]
29 Apr 2019, 12:50 pm
Cover: Monica Bay is a Fellow at CodeX and a freelance journalist. [read post]
18 Jan 2016, 8:56 am by Ted Brooks
I am now a Fellow at CodeX: The Stanford Center for Legal Informatics, where I am the defacto principal blogger. [read post]
24 Apr 2019, 10:55 am by Monica Bay, CodeX Fellow
See video of past meetings and events here Covers: Monica Bay is a Fellow at CodeX and a freelance journalist. [read post]
29 Jul 2019, 7:17 am by Monica Bay, CodeX Fellow
  Monica Bay is a CodeX Fellow and an freelance journalist. [read post]
12 Jun 2019, 3:05 pm by Monica Bay, CodeX Fellow
See   Monica Bay is a Fellow at CodeX. [read post]