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28 Jun 2019, 11:07 am by Jaclyn Belczyk
Montana Department of Revenue the court will consider a challenge over public funding for parents who opt to send their children to religious schools. [read post]
28 Jun 2019, 7:54 am by Amy Howe
” Established by the Obama administration in 2012, DACA allowed undocumented immigrants who had been brought to the United States as children to apply for protection from deportation and (among other things) permission to work in this country. [read post]
26 Jun 2019, 3:24 pm by John Elwood
Montana Department of Revenue, 18-1195 Issue: Whether it violates the religion clauses or the equal protection clause of the United States Constitution to invalidate a generally available and religiously neutral student-aid program simply because the program affords students the choice of attending religious schools. [read post]
10 Jun 2019, 8:56 am by Amy Howe
Moath Hamza Ahmed al-Alwi’s lawyers say that he was in Afghanistan when the United States began its bombing campaign there after the September 11 attacks, but quickly fled to Pakistan, where bounty-hunters turned him over to the United States. [read post]
6 Jun 2019, 8:07 am by John Elwood
Atlantic Richfield said federal law pre-empted those claims, but the Montana Supreme Court disagreed. [read post]
5 Jun 2019, 9:58 am by Amy Howe
The government recommended a grant in Thole v. [read post]
28 May 2019, 2:00 am by DONALD SCARINCI
Facts of Herrera v Wyoming An 1868 treaty between the United States and the Crow Tribe promised that in exchange for most of the Tribe’s territory in modern-day Montana and Wyoming, its members would “have the right to hunt on the unoccupied lands of the United States so long as game may be found thereon . . . and peace subsists . . . on the borders of the hunting districts. [read post]
7 May 2019, 2:27 pm by Ad Law Defense
Leland Sycamore, Tyler Sycamore, Wild Grains Bakery LLC and United States Bakery, Inc. 2:13-cv-00749-DN. [read post]
28 Apr 2019, 5:44 am by Marci A. Hamilton
Massachusetts, which held that states have the power to make vaccination compulsory in the public interest and the 1944 decision in Prince v. [read post]
19 Apr 2019, 6:59 am by Aurora Barnes
Montana Department of Revenue 18-1195 Issue: Whether it violates the religion clauses or the equal protection clause of the United States Constitution to invalidate a generally available and religiously neutral student-aid program simply because the program affords students the choice of attending religious schools. [read post]
25 Feb 2019, 5:12 am by Matthew L.M. Fletcher
Does an Indian Tribe have authority under the second exception of Montana v. [read post]
13 Dec 2018, 4:54 am by Edith Roberts
United States, which involves an exception to the double jeopardy clause that allows a defendant to be prosecuted for the same crime in both federal and state court, for state-court prosecutions of potential recipients of presidential pardons; in an accompanying essay on his eponymous blog, he discusses the relation between originalism and stare decisis as invoked by Justice Brett Kavanaugh during the Gamble  In an op-ed for The New… [read post]