Your search Multi-family Council of Southeastern Pennsylvania Andchancellor Associates, Individually and on Behalf of Allother Similarly Situated Individuals And/or Businessentities Having Financial Interest in Rental Residentialreal Estate in the City of Philadelphia, v. the Municipal Court of the City of Philadelphia and Glancey,honorable Joseph R. President Judge of the Philadelphiamunicipal Court and Scally, Iii, Bernard A. Courtadministrator of the Philadelphia Municipal Court and Thecourt of Common Pleas of Philadelphia and Bradley, Honorableedward J. President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas Andgelfand, Honorable Eugene Judge-motion Court and Savitt,honorable David N. Judge-philadelphia Common Pleas Courtadministrator and Petitt, Jr., Esquire, John J. Court Ofcommon Pleas Prothonotary Tenant Action Group, Intervening Defendant,multi-family Council of Southeastern Pennsylvania, Andchancellor Associates, Appellants did not match any document.