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10 Apr 2009, 6:40 am
The presenters are John Haydon, social media coach for nonprofits, and blogger and internet marketing consultant, Chris Garrett. [read post]
24 Mar 2009, 8:16 pm
Not only does she work with nonprofits to develop online strategies that will help them to change the world, but she is also Blogger-in-Chief for Care2's frogloop, where she explains the finer points of online networking, and the founder of Women Who Tech, an annual telesummit for women in technology. [read post]
24 Oct 2008, 6:18 pm
Christine, Usha, and a slew of former Glom guest bloggers -- including our host, Karl Okamoto -- are in attendance. [read post]
15 Oct 2008, 12:38 pm
Blog Action Day is an annual nonprofit event that aims to unite the world's bloggers, podcasters and videocasters, to post about the same issue on the same day- to raise awareness and trigger a global discussion. [read post]
15 Oct 2008, 6:31 am
And given the current financial crisis, it would seem many bloggers have gotten a head start. 2. [read post]
15 Oct 2008, 6:15 am
Blog Action Day is an annual nonprofit event that encourages bloggers, podcasters, and videocasters around the world to post about the same issue on the same day. [read post]
1 Oct 2008, 9:10 pm
Its staff also urged members to call their senators, as have prominent anti-bailout bloggers like Mike Shedlock. [read post]
20 Aug 2008, 11:04 am
But Freakonomics blogger Stephen Dubner seems more skeptical of public interest work: I am not so convinced that working for a nonprofit means that one's "services are passed directly along to the most needy. [read post]
19 Aug 2008, 7:42 pm
But Freakonomics blogger Stephen Dubner seems more skeptical of public interest work: I am not so convinced that working for a nonprofit means that one's "services are passed directly along to the most needy. [read post]
17 Aug 2008, 11:29 pm
Since blogging became popular in about 2004, there have been 159 civil and criminal court actions involving bloggers, according to the nonprofit Media Law Resource Center (MLRC) in New York. [read post]
17 Aug 2008, 12:38 pm
Since blogging became popular in about 2004, there have been 159 civil and criminal court actions involving bloggers, according to the nonprofit Media Law Resource Center (MLRC) in New York. [read post]
1 Aug 2008, 11:46 pm
Guest bloggers [read post]
21 Jul 2008, 2:57 pm
Not so much for its content, which has been written about elsewhere, but for this kicker: Indeed, to [libertarian blogger Megan] McArdle, the possibility of a Republican defeat holds a certain romantic appeal. [read post]
18 Jul 2008, 9:00 pm
Here are the particulars: Citizens Union of the City of New York Event Chairs:Zach Bernstein, Mary Bruch, Helena DurstMark Foggin, Cheryl Gladstone, Seth HuffordDominique Jones, Dirk McCall, Melanie McEvoy,Andrea Senteno, Edward Swenson, Lisa Taylor Invite You to a Summer Sunset ReceptionFor Citizens Union'sGotham Reformers Committee Special Guests: Brad Lander, Director, Pratt Center for Community Development Steven… [read post]
12 Jul 2008, 11:00 pm
The New York Times interviews several progressives, including bloggers about their support for Sen. [read post]
25 Jun 2008, 3:09 am
"[T]he DAP programs simply keep contract sales prices inflated, channel fees into the pockets of ‘nonprofits' who provide no other service than laundering money, and result in lower insurance premiums than FHA should be getting for loans with riskier profiles," said well-known blogger Tanta on the Calculated Risk blog, herself a long-time industry participant. [read post]
24 Jun 2008, 9:31 pm
First, many people don’t want to bother finding hosting and designing their own website, content to instead use a simpler service like Blogger, Geocities, or LiveJournal. [read post]
8 May 2008, 10:41 am
" There's been a lot written about it; a good place to start, I suppose, is my September post, which gives a summary and links to some other very useful information online.And then there's the recent post on the CCRA by nonprofit lawyer and blogger Fannie, who runs the blog Fannie's Room. [read post]
1 May 2008, 2:23 pm
In a statement issued Thursday to DailyKos blogger Adam Bonin, WVWV spokeswoman Sarah Johnson explains that the omission of the group's name was "a mistake. [read post]
30 Apr 2008, 8:10 am
Anderson hospital in Houston for treatment, but when she arrived "the nonprofit hospital refused to accept Mrs. [read post]