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28 Nov 2011, 7:50 am by Yale Law Journal
The Yale Law Journal Online has published the first of two responses to Oona Hathaway and Scott J. [read post]
15 Nov 2011, 1:16 pm by Gary Bass
by Gary Bass Oona and Scott’s article is meant to be an opening salvo. [read post]
20 Nov 2008, 11:37 am
Witnesses included: Thomas Donnelly (American Enterprise Institute); Oona A. [read post]
20 Feb 2024, 5:50 am by Megan Corrarino
” write Maggie Mills, Thomas Poston, and Oona Hathaway, in the first article in our series on reparations for Russia’s war against Ukraine, published today. [read post]
5 Nov 2010, 11:26 am by Duncan Hollis
Goldsmith, The Problem of Secret Executive Interpretations of War Powers Law Commentator: Oona Hathaway Session 3: Treaties, Executive Agreements, and Partisanship Oona A. [read post]
30 Sep 2011, 6:11 am
— Our colleagues, Yale Law Professor Oona A. [read post]
23 Sep 2022, 6:15 am by Astrid Reisinger Coracini
In Part I of this series, Oona Hathaway explained the imperative to prosecute the crime of aggression committed against Ukraine, and the need to do so through an international criminal tribunal established through the United Nations General Assembly. [read post]
1 Feb 2012, 6:15 am by Yale Law Journal
 The Yale Law Journal Online has published the second in a series of responses to Oona Hathaway and Scott S. [read post]
4 Dec 2024, 4:39 am by Nathaniel Raymond
Joining the show to discuss the report are Oona Hathaway and Nathaniel Raymond. [read post]
9 Oct 2023, 4:00 am by Howard Friedman
Hathaway, Alaa Hachem & Justin Cole, A New Tool for Enforcing Human Rights: Erga Omnes Partes Standing, (Columbia Journal of Transnational Law, Vol. 61, No. 2, Forthcoming).From SSRN (Abortion rights):Thomas Burrell, Dobbs v. [read post]
17 Nov 2017, 9:30 pm by Dan Ernst
A YouTube video of Paul Finkelman’s lecture, "Kosciuszko: A Bridge to Liberty for All," which treats “Brigadier General of the Continental Army and Polish freedom fighter, Tadeusz Kosciuszko, and his efforts to end slavery” is here.Just Security blog is hosting a symposium on The Internationalists: How a Radical Plan to Outlaw War Remade the World, by Yale's Oona Hathaway and Scott Shapiro. [read post]
29 Apr 2018, 7:17 am by Brooke
Konig's Arabic-Islamic Views of the Latin West: Tracing the Emergence of Medieval Europe.The Internationalists: How a Radical Plan to Outlaw War Remade the World by Oona Hathaway and Scott Shapiro is reviewed in the London Review of Books.Switching Sides: How a Generation of Historians Lost Sympathy for the Victims of the Salem Witch Hunt by Tony Fels is reviewed at HNN. [read post]
16 Jul 2024, 6:50 am by Amy Howe
President Has Always Been Above the Law (Oona Hathaway, Foreign Affairs) Clarence Thomas signaled how he might rule on a challenge to Trump special counsel. [read post]
7 Dec 2024, 4:59 am by Just Security
Hathaway (@oonahathaway) The post Digest of Recent Articles on Just Security (Dec. 2-6) appeared first on Just Security. [read post]
15 Dec 2008, 12:02 am
Kennedy, Globalization and Development: A Legacy"Comment: Joel Paul (Univ. of California - Hastings College of Law)Oona Hathaway (Univ. of California, Berkeley - Law), "Imbalance of Power: The Growth of Presidential Power Over U.S. [read post]
5 Nov 2022, 8:37 am by Paras Shah
On this week’s podcast episode, Executive Editors Luke Hartig and Oona Hathaway discuss the Biden plan and what it all means for U.S. counterterrorism efforts and forever war. [read post]
26 Jan 2024, 1:24 pm by Adil Ahmad Haque
Joining the show to discuss the Court’s Opinion and its implications are law professors Adil Haque, Oona Hathaway, and Yuval Shany. [read post]