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10 Jul 2019, 9:56 pm by Orin S. Kerr
[A tale of two new cases on your constitutional rights when you leave your backpack with your drugs in someone else's car. ] A common problem in Fourth Amendment law that Supreme Court cases leave surprisingly unresolved is what you might call the "property-in-property" problem. [read post]
10 Jul 2019, 4:08 pm by Orin Kerr
[Thoughts on Gladwell's recent podcast on legal education.] [read post]
9 Jul 2019, 12:06 am by Ilya Somin
Last year, my co-blogger  Orin Kerr, wrote a post recounting his experience the California bar exam at the age of 46. [read post]
3 Jul 2019, 4:09 am by SHG
In response, other prawfs, notably Orin Kerr, raised the cheating heart problem. [read post]
14 Jun 2019, 3:34 am by SHG
Even the Wandering Prawf, Orin Kerr, concedes that sucks. [read post]
10 Jun 2019, 11:23 pm by Orin Kerr
I recently posted to SSRN a short essay, Justice Kennedy and the Counter-Majoritarian Difficulty. [read post]
5 Jun 2019, 7:22 am by Orin Kerr
Sarah Lawsky's valuable report about this year's entry-level law professor hires is out. [read post]
21 May 2019, 2:12 pm by Bridget Crawford
" But wait, if SSRN doesn't publish "advocacy," why is an amicus brief by Orin Kerr, for example (here), publicly available? [read post]
21 May 2019, 12:49 pm by Stewart Baker
” Suffice it to say that the latest case can’t be understood without consulting both Orin Kerr and Jerry Seinfeld. [read post]
20 May 2019, 2:21 pm by Stewart Baker
" Suffice it to say that the latest case can't be understood without consulting both Orin Kerr and Jerry Seinfeld. [read post]
20 May 2019, 3:22 am by Orin Kerr
For the last four years, I have been serving as an Adviser to an ongoing American Law Institute project, Principles of the Law: Policing. [read post]
14 May 2019, 3:22 am by SHG
Orin Kerr (@OrinKerr) May 14, 2019 So which is it, blithely ignoring stability or correcting past errors? [read post]
3 May 2019, 3:41 pm by CrimProf BlogEditor
Orin Kerr analyzes the case at length at The Volokh Conspiracy. [read post]
29 Apr 2019, 4:48 am by SHG
Some of the academics who ponder such things, like Dan Solove and Orin Kerr, tried to come up with competing theories and approaches that would produce an alternative to the two prevailing conflicts, the Katz Reasonable Expectation of Privacy Test and the Third-Party Doctrine. [read post]
25 Apr 2019, 4:23 am by Hon. Richard G. Kopf
Kopf Senior United States District Judge (Nebraska) [i] For a deep dive into the legal stuff by Professor Orin Kerr, see here. [read post]
24 Apr 2019, 5:26 am by Nathaniel Sobel
” In a recent Texas Law Review article, Orin Kerr characterizes the doctrine in the terms of “prosecutorial advantage,” writing: “If the government already knows the fact or belief that is implicitly asserted, and it has some other way to prove it, then it gains no testimonial advantage by obtaining the defendant’s assertions implicit in his compelled acts. [read post]
24 Apr 2019, 4:46 am by David Oscar Markus
Orin Kerr discusses here:From a practical perspective, this is a really important decision. [read post]