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11 Jul 2016, 7:29 am by Daily Record Staff
Owens, appellant, was found guilty of first and second-degree assault, reckless endangerment, and carrying a dangerous weapon openly with the intent to injure. [read post]
25 Oct 2013, 9:46 pm by Ann Tweedy
  After a federal judge dismissed the City of Los Angeles Department of Water and Power's challenge to state air quality regulations in May, see City of Los Angeles v. [read post]
26 Jun 2023, 5:24 am by Frank Cranmer
In Ms T Owen v Willow Tower OPCO 1 Ltd [2023] 2400073/2022, which was a preliminary hearing, the issues before the Tribunal were whether Ms Owen had sufficient continuity of service within the meaning of s.108 Employment Rights Act 1996 to bring a claim for unfair dismissal under s.98(4) and (more interestingly from the point of view of law and religion) whether her belief in veganism amounted to a protected characteristic within the meaning of s.10 Equality Act… [read post]
8 Jul 2011, 5:55 pm by Lawrence Solum
Dave Owen (University of Maine - School of Law) has posted The Mono Lake Decision, the Public Trust Doctrine, and the Administrative State (UC Davis Law Review, Forthcoming) on SSRN. [read post]
13 Feb 2010, 1:32 pm by Scott W Lawrence
Sanders, Justice Tom Chambers, Justice Susan Owens, Justice Mary E. [read post]
12 Jan 2016, 11:40 am by Andrew Hamm
United States is here; the transcript in Duncan v. [read post]
19 Oct 2012, 7:31 am
Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit recently reversed the guilty verdict handed down in U.S. v. [read post]
4 Feb 2013, 5:16 am by Susan Brenner
Owens also stated that he never had a computer at home, as he always had access to the Internet at his office.When questioned about the . . . child pornography found on his computer at PT Corporation, Owens advised he received an email from Yahoo stating that Yahoo photos service was being discontinued, and offered Owens several other online photograph warehousing services for him to transfer his photos that were in his Yahoo account. [read post]