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8 Jan 2014, 11:20 am
A rare decision from the Supreme Court of British Columbia has shed light on the extent to which police owe a duty of care to road users during pursuits.In Bergen v. [read post]
13 Nov 2013, 6:02 pm by Joe Mullin
An eight-person jury was picked yesterday, and today the Apple v. [read post]
4 Nov 2013, 9:46 am by Jane Chong
Over the last month, on our New Republic: Security States newsfeed, we rolled out a series designed to explain why fairly allocating the costs of software deficiencies between software makers and users is so critical to addressing the growing problem of vulnerability-ridden code—and how such a regime will require questioning some of our deep-seated beliefs about the very nature of software security. [read post]
23 Oct 2013, 5:01 am by Susan Brenner
After the bombing, Coit discovered that their business “owed about $40,000 in back taxes. [read post]
28 Feb 2013, 10:59 am by Larry Tolchinsky
Speeding up this process will keep many homeowners out of foreclosure and give our housing market the boost it needs to bounce back. [read post]
8 Jan 2013, 7:30 pm by Guest Blogger
v     Why are reproductive rights seemingly languishing in a political and legal coma, while popular support for LGBT rights appears to grow at almost miraculous speed? [read post]
1 Jan 2013, 5:42 pm
  Since the last inquiry almost 8 years ago, much has changed in the digital environment, for example, the ease, speed and format in which people are sharing copyright content (Pinterest anyone?). [read post]